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Another record for the year
I wasn't going to post this but since things have been so dead this week, I'll put it up. Wiperslayer and I got out to Willard and found a few willing fish to bring in. Started off catching some cats, using our normal flig method, picked up 10 or so up to 23 or 24", then I picked up another record 27 incher for the year, see pics. Finally some jumbo perch came out to play and we got about 7 or 8 of those up to 12". Willard has treated us well this year but with all this snow I doubt I'll be able to get my boat out again unless it warms up a bunch and melts some snow.
we did not get that much snow
maybe 4"
it is snowing now 6:30 PM kids have all went home, from dinner

I put my boat in the garage for the winter. (maybe)

Love your pictures
Awe yes, the infamous rubber lipped gator. That is a big one. How long was the fight?
It gave me a good fight, longer than any fish that day, maybe 10 min.
We got most of our snow last night but over the last 4 days we got over 17"[crazy], I can't remember the last time we got that much snow.
[#0000FF]Pretty fliggin' good, I'd say.
[#0000FF]I think I might be able to get in another trip or two before she caps. But I don't have to worry about spinning out on a snowy/icy ramp. I can just toboggan down in my tube. Might slip, slide and do a triple klutz getting back out though.
Nice work! Thanks for the pictures and report. It seems that I always get more carp on lure and bait combos when the water is cold, either late fall or early spring. It makes me wonder if they are caught through the ice?

I'm guessing some must be.

17" of snow! I left town for AZ just before the storm hit. That is a lot of snow! I had strated worrying that this would be adry winter and TD was going to have to beack out hte snow dance again!
I've dredged a couple carp (barely) through a 6" hole in ice, at Rockport....on the bottom, trying for a rainbow, or perch, then this monster is pulling line, and you just know you have a record G. Brown coming up.....and then you see them lips....Dang! (unless you're from England)....
It took 4 days to get 17in. Hmmm, it took 1 night here to get 17in. This was the second biggest snow storm I’ve ever seen. Just about shut the whole town down.
Those are some really ice perch coming out of Willard this year.
With all the snow we got this week, I won't be getting my boat out for a while. We will see what Ira's plans are but at this point, it's not looking good for getting out there too much more for us. Be careful if that ramp is icy/ snowy.
Sounds like you got out of town, just in time, we got a total of 20" after it was all done for the week[crazy]. I can't remember the last time we had that much snow in one week.
Wow, that is a crazy amount of snow at one time, the most amount I've seen at one time was the Winter of 83/84, when we got 18" at one time, it snowed for over 24 hours straight. Later that Winter, in Feb, we bought our first house and when we moved in, there was 4 foot of snow on the roof. Lets hope this isn't the start of another Winter like that.
[#0000FF]Wimps. Nanook would be ashamed of you. Can't handle a few feet of snow. Sheesh!
Usually not the preferred catch but man are they fun to catch when they get that big.
Have caught a few like that up on the Bear River. During the spawn you can find hordes of them stacked up in several areas where the river runs into an irrigation channel.

Did you release it or keep it for bait next spring ? [fishin]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Since I rarely fish with carp meat I just let it go but it was the largest I caught this year, so it was a record for that reason. I rarely take pics of carp but since it was the same length of a cat I caught the week before, I thought it noteworthy. I can't make out the length of the carp in your pic but the title on the pic says 30" I believe, that's a big one for sure. You don't see many over 30" being caught, unless you are targeting carp.
LOL, it doesn't bother me so much going fishing when the snow is that deep, it's just that I can't get my boat out of the back yard, without using chains and that is something I'm just not willing to do. Wish I had more room in my garage to store it there but I don't, so the back yard will have to do, until I win some big bucks[Wink].
I agree, thought it was a big old cat at first but it became obvious it wasn't before long, it still gave me a good fight.
LOL, you got me. I was definitely expecting a big catfish until I saw the name of your picture [Smile] A 10 minute fight is fun even if the final result is a carp.
Here is the cat I caught the week before, it too was 27" and the largest I caught this year.

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