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Cat Chat
I know my wife is a little happier now that I sold my little old boat yesterday. Birthday present from his dad for an eleven year old. Fun.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Only got in about a hour of Cat time at the refuge this evening before the front pushed in with high winds. Cookie got a small one right away and missed another. I spent my time playing with the Deeper Chirp mapping the river bottom. Today they did hit the Santee rig this time strip of carp and tipped with a little bloddy liver for additional sent. Carp action on the increase.
(04-09-2020, 07:29 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: I've been catching fish, but can't find anything over 27".. Think I've got 7-8 at 27" so far but nothing better. Starting to wonder if there are any bigger fish this year. Wife says I'm grounded from fishing till I get my old tractor fixed and sold so I may have to work on that. Later J

Well, hopefully thats cuz all  the bigger Cats are making their way down to the Bird Refuge.........Rolleyes 

(04-10-2020, 12:39 AM)Cowboypirate Wrote: Only got in about a hour of Cat time at the refuge this evening before the front pushed in with high winds. Cookie got a small one right away and missed another. I spent my time playing with the Deeper Chirp mapping the river bottom. Today they did hit the Santee rig this time strip of carp and tipped with a little bloddy liver for additional sent. Carp action on the increase.

Mapping the bottom..? Were you out on a boat? Wife and I are planning to put the Tin-Can  (14.5 foot Lund) in at the BR Ramp tomorrow. I know the middle of the river should be deep enough at least down to the hunt club. But the ramp looked a bit like I'll be putting the trailer into mud to get it far enough out to float the boat up out of  the trailer.

(04-09-2020, 03:33 PM)catchinon Wrote: "It's fun to be ahead as a team this year. We've taken a beating the last two years and I think we'll get the bragging rights back this year. But I know it's silly to declare a winner in a horse race when they're only two jumps out of the starting gates, so don't think we aren't wary of you Northerners. Once you get untracked it will be a real horse race. But we have some prime players waiting in the wings. Both Pisco and R2U2 are on the injured reserve list but should be back soon. (Don't you love mixed metaphors?)"

Craig, I've been fishing the BFT Cat Contest for 5 years now, so I know full well better than to make a brash statement that the North Team is gonna for sure come back and beat up on the South........again Blush.  But,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have seen the contest changed literally over night by one guy (I believe it was jig_fisher's brother) so when we start getting some constant warmer weather, and a few more of us, what Jeff calls "misfits" get the chance to get out on the water more often (like me in June after I retire) better be holding on tight. Entirely possible South could win this year, but you will know you been in race. And I'm gonna do my best again this year to poach one of UL 36 inchers. Cool
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Forest, I tried to upload some video clips of the river bottom to show you the depth profile , but cant get them to drop in - will keep trying. I was not in a boat. Just stopping at some of the standard spots and using my castable sonar. I can dang near get it all the way across with a cast. I mapped decent depths near the BR launch. Towards the middle, I was getting pretty steady 13-10 ft. In that area, I did find spots that jumped up pretty quick to 3 or 4 ft. Its a fun toy, but Cookie keep fishing and catching while I play Lewis/Clark doing depth soundings. Fortunately she has not tied into any size yet, so I still stand a chance of not being totally humiliated.

Maybe you or John know, I used to hike up Reeders Cannal to the inlet as a young lad and do well. Not sure these days if it's off limits. Signage is not clear and I cant run very fast anymore if I am wrong.

Here is a photo of Cookie, many years ago, getting a few in that general area.

[Image: 20190225-114000.jpg]

And I should clarify, Forrest, by BR ramp, I mean the one right before the gate, with all the parking.
The North side of reeders is closed past the fence. 
Dang them be some nice cats Cookie
There's Always Time For One More Cast
(04-10-2020, 11:14 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: Forest, I tried to upload some video clips of the river bottom to show you the depth profile , but cant get them to drop in - will keep trying. I was not in a boat. Just stopping at some of the standard spots and using my castable sonar. I can dang near get it all the way across with a cast. I mapped decent depths near the BR launch. Towards the middle, I was getting pretty steady 13-10 ft. In that area, I did find spots that jumped up pretty quick to 3 or 4 ft. Its a fun toy, but Cookie keep fishing and catching while I play Lewis/Clark doing depth soundings. Fortunately she has not tied into any size yet, so I still stand a chance of not being totally humiliated.

Maybe you or John know, I used to hike up Reeders Cannal to the inlet as a young lad and do well. Not sure these days if it's off limits. Signage is not clear and I cant run very fast anymore if I am wrong.

Here is a photo of Cookie, many years ago, getting a few in that general area.

[Image: 20190225-114000.jpg]

And I should clarify, Forrest, by BR ramp, I mean the one right before the gate, with all the parking.

Yes sir, those are some nice size Cats.  Far as the Reader flow question, John covered that.  Right there at the north side of the bridge, the wire fence is the start of closed property on both sides of the canal. But if you put enough weight on the line and cast up-channel there have been some nice cats caught in that area. I lost 2 last year right at the bank below that big boulder. Got wrapped up in some branches too far down to reach with my net.  There is lots of underwater snags all along in there, close to the bridge and for first 100 yards or so on the down stream side of the bridge. But a bit later in the year when the carp are spawning and the water level is lower, you can snag a few carp for bait right off the bridge. 
Thanks for the depth info. I should be able to pass on a bit more intel later today.  Have a safe and Happy Easter
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Can't beleave the lower Bear this year. Found a few early then it's been Dead. We'll see if the Easter bunny has hidden any this morning.

Happy Easter All
There's Always Time For One More Cast
(04-12-2020, 12:37 PM)Ahi1953 Wrote: Can't beleave the lower Bear this year. Found a few early then it's been Dead. We'll see if the Easter bunny has hidden any this morning.

Happy Easter All

Hey John, I hope it wen't well... It got cold up here last night, had 1/4" of ice on a bucket of water, so I'll bet the cats are a little slower this week than last... Maybe your deep river will be the better location this week... Good luck and hope you start to find your big ole friends.. This is unusual not having you on the top of the contest from start to finish.... But I know once you get them started you'll be back on top... Good luck my friend... Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Ya, Jeff, I think its gona be a tough week again up North for us all seeing it still has not broke past 40F yet today. My froze toes are screaming at me in these steel toed work boots. On a side note my toes in my steel toed boots are an excellent indicator of cat activity. I may have to patend that concept.

I hope John breaks the cycle and gets the BR cats going. If not I may have to break out my fly rod and go chase smokable Weber whitefish.
Good luck on that patent... What did it say about yesterday afternoon?  I took my FIL out to relieve his stir craziness and we picked up two little 17 & 22" cats and Rich got a nice mid 20's carp that about pulled him in.... It was so breezy that when we pulled in to go, our lines had all been pick pocketed and no bait was left on any of them, but with the wind we didn't recognize any bites... except the three that about pulled the poles in the water... I was kind of surprised we caught anything with the wind and cold, but I guess they still want to eat sometimes...  Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Ran out after work last night, mostly because I had a free minute to try... Well nothing was biting and I seen some carp raising their fins in a protected slough about 200 feet from where I was fishing, so I took a pole with a crawler and went to cast for a carp... As soon as I casted out, I noticed my bobber on my other pole, that was still casted out in my first spot took off, I ran for it, but was too late... That was the only bite of the night... luckily I had the free spooling lever flipped so it didn't take my pole... So much for my timing, should have stayed where I was... Maybe tonight will be better,  hopefully warmer and less windy... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Was not on the hunt for Cats today but rather some bait. Hit our little honey hole with some carp rigs (hair rigs) and bottom worm rigs on small hooks. Chubs, Carp, and Suckers were on the agenda.

Suckers cooperated - Cookie picked up 8 and I added a few when I was not taking a nap. Also got a few chubs and carp. Then little Cats started to show up to entertain us. No size but added some fun to the day (I posted them in the contest just so I had some points). 

maybe some fresh bait will improve our bite in the morning

[Image: 20200417-180847.jpg]
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Nice job on getting some great bait. Good luck on the cats.
Early morning run at BRBR was a zero. Did get to talk to John as he headed past to try his luck. Hope his lines were tighter than ours. If I get all Cookies yard work assignments complete she may let me escape for an evening try
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
I only found one Cat and one crap. But it sure was a beautiful day 

[Image: 100-0196.jpg]
There's Always Time For One More Cast
(04-18-2020, 11:49 PM)Ahi1953 Wrote: I only found one Cat and one crap. But it sure was a beautiful day 

[Image: 100-0196.jpg]

Nice Cat John. May have only been one, but that's better than the past couple weeks.  And it sure was a nice day out yesterday. 
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
TCM gets on the board at 20, Jeff hits a 30, John breaks the BRBR drought and willard is back open - feels like the a strom is  brewing with the Northern brute squad.
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Yep, the wife (TCM) has come out ahead of me early in the contest the past 2 years. Last year I think she had 2 BRBR Cats 25 inches or better before I caught my first one, and that first one last year was not til May at UL LB Flotilla  Sick.
Saturday at Willard, we were just enjoying the sun and anchored out in Freeway Bay drowning worms, not really paying attention to our lines. But she heard hers doing a slow click-click on the drag. Lifted her pole out of  the holder, did a slow pull back and reel, then it was fish on. Not a hard fight, but it was on one of her med-light rods with 6 lb. mono. Cat swallowed the worm and hook, so cut the line. Wasn't bleeding so did the CPR thing and put her back.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
WHERE ARE THE 30 INCH CATS??  Can't figgure out where they are hiding. I have been looking for a 30+er from John since the contest started. Years past he has always had at least a couple of 30 inchers posted up early in the contest. I know we have had some pretty cold weather patterns and that probably explains part of the problem. I see two or three 29 1/2 inchers but nobody seems to be able to break that 30 inch mark. This can't go on much longer. Angry I'm saying the first 30+er will put in an appearance before the end of April. Huh  Looks like a warming spell coming so maybe that will bring the big boys out to play. Good luck to everybody, north and south, let's see some big ones. Smile
Jeff (Skunked) caught one and posted it the other night out of Cutler. 1st 30" will soon be be on the board. Way to go Jeff!

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