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Is short for stand up paddleboard
i guess its been 5 or 6 seasons now since ive been using them as a fishing platform
like anything strength and weakness
silent stealth, the displace very little water, make little noise and overall shadow and siloutte are small, rubbers even quiter
weight and mobility/launchablity the inflatables under 50 and fits in a backpack lauches anywhere i can hump it to the water floats in inches
ultra mauneverable
ive floated both tibble and millrace out into the lake
price im not more than 2 grand fully rigged with a yeti 45 full of udbac adult libations, im in the business so i dont pay retail for much but
in contast to most real boats theyre cheap
probably not much more than a fully rigged tube or kick boat my first hdpe lifetime was like $300
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what it really excells at is flats/shallow water sight fishing, being up and able to see down into the water is hudge in that department
i dont partake in much other than the fly flinging but im sure it would work with bait or spin styles
rivers like the jordan and provo weebs and the a and b sections of the ut green that move fast are tough to fish while floating
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the bear, upper wyo green or lower c sections are much more fishable
its best used to cover water find fish or spots and wade or present from shore and it sure beats carrying all that gear and walking
it allows you great access to waters that are either quite limited or no bank access
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its not easy fishing which is a strength in that its a great workout ,core strenth and balance builder your pretty much doing something most of the time
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its not real effective for trolling or well yeah 98% arent evars gonna  git good enough to sup the rapids least standing
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there definately is a learning curve wider is mo better stablity wise and i upgraded to a triple chamber model as it keeps the deck drier and aids in stability
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momentum is your friend moving its more stabile on faster waters speed is not always your friend there hard to slow down or back paddle
weakness are yeah stability and potentail loss of gear and swimming
self propelsion dependent
supseptable to both wind and power squadron wave induced bitt kickings
if i can git the nose into the waves the longitudeal stablity isnt bad
git caught off guard or sideways not so much
like anything lowering your center of gravity or taking the knees makes a great difference
the thread on wind advisoury websites was helpful ive stayed out to long been unable to make headway and lost gear and forced to get off and walk back to the car mostly at deer creek where it seems the winds crank after noon or 1  almost every day
the damn kids stole that red sup from behind willard when i left it to walk the dyke  october for last
i patched a couple of our rental fleet and have been using those but im considering a new one
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i like flycrafts products, but im a big fan of the 2 small non removable skegs and rarely use the optional bigger one and thiers has just the main or a dual that comes up and down in the back
im sold on inflateble cause its more versitle and mobile but bote sure makes some nice crafts
at a certain point they enter into micro skiffs realm and can put the bust out another thousand moniker in maintance and oufitting
"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom
Mighty fine evaluation and pictorial.  Looks like a great fishing platform for waving a whippy stick.  Not so much for trolling or bait dragging.  I was pleasantly surprised to see them when they came on the market for anglers a few years back.  But with my advancing years and diminishing strength and balance I doubted I could make them work for my style of fishing.  I can definitely see some great applications for several kinds of fishing.  And properly rigged with stable seating and other acoutrements they should provide some enjoys.

You do good work.
What you said TubeDude. Dont think I could manage those. But it would be great fun for that crowd I bet. Any way youre fishing is a good way.

omg cant believe that reply actually posted. been over a week since I was able to reply to anything. But I still cant get a new thread to post at all. but at least i can view stuff even iif it does take 3 or 4 reloads to get on the site.
well im kinda doobieuis of the red fonted bait cutters 98% dont care assesment or what most people think especially him
but id be lying if i said you seeing good in a bum didnt matter to me.
and it aint always good its mur
[Image: IMG_2326_zpsr6itftlb.jpg]
ftr i gots no idea why a state so rich in anglining history, culture,and oppurtunities doesnt have a fishing hall of fames a mystery to me
but id sure cast a vote probs even stuff a ballot box for you and thanks
there is a fly flinging one
Im not worthy but im kin to and honored to have worked for and along side, been mentored, and blessed to share piscatorial pursuits with quite a few of them good people who i call family and friends.
I really dug the cat mask if youre source has a carp model please do tell
"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom
If ya want a carp mask, you can find one at Amazon for $26.95.  Not sure it would protect you from the Corona Crud but it would just about insure that nobody would want to get close to you.  Antisocial distancing.  And you wouldn't wanna wear it too close to the water while the carp are spawning.  Might end up in a poopfish orgy.
[Image: CARP-MASK.jpg]
that's a bit to much of a red headed creature from the black lagoon looking
for me to support our new benzo overlords I was hoping local, but thanks
put in on the Jordan @ 106 off 4 hours later @ 7800
flows not bad
good amount of carp more so tween 106 and grandpas sandy urban fishery
suckers schooled and in faster riffles
mandatory portage round 9400 bout 100 yards last 25 uneven large unstable rip rap
where the N Jordan canal splits and river oaks gc
[Image: DSCN6532_zpsp05ftcor.jpg]
and a small white water shot downstream from there
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thought I had it but skegs or something got caught and I got pitched to my knees but not tossed off
shouda took a knee earlier
knowin when to hold em and whens to folds em is pretty key on the sup
kudos to the people who created and maintain that sweet parkway trail and wildlife corridor thru was angles
its a not hidden to all jem
im suppin it all this summer
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"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom
[Image: WIN-20190317-15-57-58-Pro.jpg]


Excellent post! I especially like the full-size photographs as they add a lot to your post. I posted a photograph, but it is tiny. (Someone please tell me how to do it right. But, if you click on it, then it opens on a new page and becomes large.)

I immediately recognized SUP because I got into it for fishing. My first experience was with rentals with a group was looking for what would work best for my fishing.

I bought this Dave Scadden inflatable fishing kayak at the 2019 Sportsmans Exposition. I kayaked Lost Creek Reservoir in June 2019 and about 20 miles of the Jordan River to the takeout at Porter's Landing in July 2019.

I have a related post when I kayaked Lost Creek Reservoir here:

(Something is wrong with the search engine because I couldn't find a conversation with flygoddess on using 303 Aerospace Protectant to make the material last and not be harmed by the sun. She says it works very well. Update on that: I cleaned off Jordan River contamination that gave me a rash using dish detergent and treated all surfaces with the protectant. I also had some nice pictures that are also gone from my posts.)

It's very much like a stand-up paddleboard and functions like one with the stand-up floor exactly like a paddleboard for stand-up sight fishing with good stability and other features for fishing and rough waters. I still need to buy a paddle for stand up paddling because it only comes with kayak paddles -- two sets and two seats (a second for a [possible?] Big Fish Tackle fisher lady fishing date).

Ronald Smile
[Image: WIN-20190610-19-58-51-Pro.jpg]

[Image: WIN-20200318-20-28-15-Pro.jpg]

[Image: WIN-20200318-20-27-08-Pro.jpg]

I photographed the above at Scheels for my own consideration regarding a stable inflatable that is low and doesn't catch wind as bad as my fly fishing pontoon boat for fishing. But, I'm still happy with my Dave Scadden fishing kayak. I suppose each variety of boat has their own list of advantages and diSadvantages. Though I could get lower to the water with a more conventional standup paddleboard, I discussed that with Dave Scadden who is VERY experienced with both and sells both. He said that I would be catching the most wind with my body. I figured the flatter to the water the platform, the less it catches wind. I compromised with his kayak to also get the speed of sitting down to kayak paddle which I expect can be much more powerful yet I did have trouble keeping up with experienced paddleboarders -- I suspect technique is a big factor because I'm very fit from bicycling. I also got some rough water stability with the Dave Scadden fishing kayak. But, I couldn't help looking at the new varieties of inflatable fishing platforms.

The top picture is a low to the water wide platform that looks very stable of the same type of construction as the standup paddleboards. I suppose you can stand up on it with stability by moving the seat. out of the way. It's like a cross between a float tube and a standup paddleboard. I like it.

The second picture is almost like a conventional standup paddleboard except it has a lowered center (for better stability?) and looks to be made for fishing and wide. It looks very stable.

The third, also inflatable, is like a cross between a kayak/canoe and a standup paddleboard. Intriguing. It looks to have a lot of stability and capacity for a lot of gear.

(I edited to add more information to my above post, so if you already read it, you might look again.)
Thanks fer yur post
I knew I wasn't the only one fishin sup style
The Scandden cats a good dude
Dave makes really good well thought out crafts and reps and warranties his products well.
My pops has a raft and his kickboat
I had one of his kick boats but gave it to a friend
Far as the pictures
id tell you the photobuckets  my friend but they have been a bit wonky lately
but for a hundy a month I store thousands of pics and hot link them to any forum
and they almost always look better than the uploader here or others
in hindsite one could host his own domain for that $$$
I tried to search sup but came up empty
The search bar heres meh to midlins and it seems to me from a lurkers perspective the do over
didn't do much for the history of this community and it seems like a lot of good diverse posters
either didn't think it was worth rejoining or found it so aggravatingly user unfriendly they left.
but that's not my gig or really my concern
its funny you mentioned the fly goddess
only reason I found this place was 5 or 6 years ago I was trying to figure out the poopfish on flies thing
and her information was great
One of these days im gonna start a mother of all carp threads for her
beared down threws in sups in thurs
had a couple wind free hours got the eats
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wind cranked made it back to the truck
had stashed the og hardtail mnt bike upstream  the wind died a bit and that river meanders enough that i was able to continue downstream
Most fish were tucked tight to shore often perpendicular
had the throw near tingle their spidey senses and have them turn and start to move out to deeper water but still eat on the way out going and probably had a bakers dozen eats that day and 8-9 in the net a couple nice +30"
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I may pm you or if you did a report on your Jordan float id love more info on that float
"I have found I have had my reward
In the doing of the thing" Halden Buzz Holmstrom
Ya'll got me wanting to try these surf boards on steroids. I love my new passion of trying to catch them all from the bank, but get that longing feeling to see what's around that next tree without far to often to ignore
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew

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