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Tarpon Even The Score
This evening, we hide behind the south jetty to help break the NE 21 knot wind as well as using a sea anchor to help slow our drift. When it got dark, the tarpon started feeding. That was the good news. The frustrating news was that they weren't making their usual rod slamming strikes and they were jumping almost immediately. This resulted in several thrown hooks before my anglers could even get to the rod. Live shrimp were getting all the strikes with the exception of one crab that was crushed. We also had several times when the rod would begin to bend and then snap back up and our shrimp was gone. Despite all this frustration, we managed to hook two fish. Phil Heimlich caught and released his first tarpon. His brother Barry was fighting another fish and had it under control when it made a jump and broke the line. So that is how our evening ended. The final count was angler 1 and fish 4.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br>www.rnfl/com/knotnancy<br><br><br>

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