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Lincoln kitties
Fished out of Lincoln today and had a good day. Lots of YOY wb in the channel and they are starting to get some size to them... most are 3-4 inches now. Good bait.

The water was mostly calm today with only an early morning breeze. The water temp is holding steady at right around 75 degrees and the ambient temp was probably 10 degrees cooler than it has been for the past couple of weeks. The water level continues to drop but there is still about 3 1/2 feet of water in the channel. I fished to the west almost into Goshen Bay. The fishing was fair-t'-middlin' but I did manage to pick up a good bumper fish -- 31 1/2 inches, 13 pounds 4 oz. Seems like some of the bigger fish are finally starting to put in an appearance. September should produce some big fish. Ahi and Jig-fisher should be hearing big footsteps coming after them. Wink The south is on the rise.

[Image: DSC01169.jpg]

To be continued...

Lovely.  Now all you gotta do is find that 3-footer.
Wow, you've been tearing it up!  Nice fish. We can hear those big footsteps, and that is what makes it fun. Welcome to the "hard to find a bumper" club.
Hey, that 3 footer is out there and there is always the chance -- albeit a slim chance -- that I can get a hook in him. Agree with Jig-fisher, the fun is in the hunt and the banter back and forth with like-minded cataholics. It's gonna be tough to beat Jig's 33 incher, tough but doable. Maybe tomorrow...

To be continued...

(08-28-2020, 10:26 PM)Boatloadakids Wrote: Hey, that 3 footer is out there and there is always the chance -- albeit a slim chance -- that I can get a hook in him. Agree with Jig-fisher, the fun is in the hunt and the banter back and forth with like-minded cataholics. It's gonna be tough to beat Jig's 33 incher, tough but doable. Maybe tomorrow...

To be continued...

Way to go Lynn. You deserve to catch those  big ones.

We saw you turning on to the highway there in Payson on your way home, that was before noon.

We wanted to go out this morning but Vi has been sick and I didn't think it a good idea. I may go out early in the AM and try for bait then do some searching for another bump Monday.

Thanks Richard. If you go out after bait in the a.m. the YOY wb at the end of the launch can be caught with any small fly or a small spinner. As soon as a boat launches thay seem to vamoose. If you miss them there head on around to Mulberry. I caught 36 wb there on a Mepps spinner in about 20 minutes. They are most active right and daylight... as are the skeeters and the midges. A head net helps if you have one.

Good luck and I hope Violet is felling better. We need her on the water.
Well, you did it again! For those who don't know, that should put you only .5 points behind Ahi who is in second place. And we will be only 2.5 points behind the North Team. We have a lot of people still fishing who are very capable of catching cats over 30", what it takes now to raise our score. Several of us are not slacking off at all so the South shall rise again!
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Most recent Cat standings posted on 26 Aug. They don't include the big cat BLK caught cuz it's still pending review by Jeff. 

 But here is current standing with BLK Pending Cat

[Image: 037-2020-Cat-Contest-Standings-29-Aug.jpg]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Sept, should see Cookie and the cowboy back out on the hunt, but there sure have been a bunch of 30+ come out of UL - BLK very nice cats, again
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew

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