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Lincoln Beach report 8-27-20
Thursday I got started fishing out of Lincoln Beach at 9:15. After TD's and BLK's recent reports I figured I couldn't expect much to happen since they said the cats quit biting at 10. To keep this report short, I ended up getting 7 with the last coming when I started reeling in to leave at 1:15. I did have a lull at mid-morning but I think the problem was that one rig was baitless and the other had old bait on. Once I put new bait on the fishing picked up. My bait was half of a baby white bass. They took both front and rear halves equally well and showed no marked preference between a Santee rig and a fire tiger flig. My biggest was a 27"er which was interesting to land since I forgot to put my net back in the boat from where I have been chasing loose chickens (the escaped kind, not those with bad characters). Lucky I had my lip grips. I just grabbed my line at the swivel and hoisted the smaller fish in. The water temperature rose from 74° to 77°. When I was driving away my pickup thermo read 99. All my fishing was right around 8.5'. I never found any water as deep as 9'. The depth in the channel was a bit under 3' in some spots. I fished down past the first half of the orchards. Since Lynn told me that he caught his three latest big ones all in different places I figured close was good enough.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Forget photos of the cats - i want to see photos of you chasing chickens ? with your fishing net
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
I fished Monday and it was slow. Fished for a couple of hours and only caught two fish, hurt my feelings so I got mad and went home. Only other fisher I saw was Pisco and crew, fishing was slow for them too but they stayed longer than I did. When I launched at about 6:45 the air temp was cold... felt kinda good.

Better fishun' coming but score bumps are going to be hard to find for me. Still, the chase continues.

To be continued....

Lance, I have to catch and move a few chickens to a different pen. I'll see if I can get my wife to document it. Maybe I could put it on youtube?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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