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Fish Lake
Had a very gusty 3 day weekend at FL. Friday piled up 80 + the perch that people wanted back home. Took a few splake also. The next few days went kokanee hunting. Saturday not much luck but Sunday ran into one lonely koke. With gusty winds could not move around punching holes looking for them. Had to hunker down and hold onto the shelter.[Image: 0207210741.jpg]
Good looking koke, how long was it? FL is one of those places that when the wind is blowing, it is a tough place to fish, glad it worked out with the perch.
I actually did not measure the Koke. But I say it was around 14".
If you can catch 1 Kokanee at FL your doing good.

FL is the most frustrating lake for me to fish for Kokes.
Yes tough at FL for the kokes but I get bored catching perch and small splake. A few weeks ago I was at Ririe reservoir in Rigby Idaho. It's full of kokanee. Fun fishing for them there through the ice.

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