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I posted on another thread last week that there was to be a meeting this past get the straight skinny on the closed gate situation at Cemetery Point...etc. I got the following in an email from my source yesterday.
Unfortunately, the news received from the meeting was that the gate at Cemetery Point will remain closed when the concessionaire is not present for the remaining ice fishing season and likely future winter seasons. The justification of this closure was the association of liability to the Forest Service. Damage to buildings, excessive litter, and general overuse was listed as the main reasons behind the closure. When the Concessionaire is not actively on-site managing the property (Active summer site operations/fee collection) the liability to damages of those facilities, cleanup, and repairs, falls on the forest service staff when the concessionaire is not present.
However, we are hopeful a solution will be developed that will provide reasonable access to the reservoir throughout the year.
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(02-03-2021, 02:28 PM)TubeDude Wrote: I posted on another thread last week that there was to be a meeting this past get the straight skinny on the closed gate situation at Cemetery Point...etc. I got the following in an email from my source yesterday.
Unfortunately, the news received from the meeting was that the gate at Cemetery Point will remain closed when the concessionaire is not present for the remaining ice fishing season and likely future winter seasons. The justification of this closure was the association of liability to the Forest Service. Damage to buildings, excessive litter, and general overuse was listed as the main reasons behind the closure. When the Concessionaire is not actively on-site managing the property (Active summer site operations/fee collection) the liability to damages of those facilities, cleanup, and repairs, falls on the forest service staff when the concessionaire is not present.
However, we are hopeful a solution will be developed that will provide reasonable access to the reservoir throughout the year. Yep. Essentially what I was told by the District Ranger as well. And just so you know, the District Ranger also told me a gate structure has been ordered for installation at the Port Ramp. No time frame was given, but it would appear from the information we now have about this Federal property that SHOULD be available to all of us year round, that very soon we will also be locked out of the Port Ramp except when the Concessionaire is active with its obscene management objectives. The sarcasm is intentional.
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
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So this is what we pay taxes for? Disgusting...
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Gated Strawberry will be next. Just you wait.
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I totally agree with you all that this should be open to all of us to enjoy. But  ly, so many others have ruined it for those of us that do really care, pick up after ourselves and respect others. Then, if that’s not enough, if they did come in and open it up, charge a fee, it would be most likely so out of control and pricey that none of us would be willing to pay to use it.
The days of past on the ice or soft water that we all fondly remember are gone. Pretty  .
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Very  news but with the problems that have been going on up there for years now I'm not surprised. I will miss the hard deck there and really am most upset that I will not be able to share similar experiences I've had there growing up with my daughter who is just starting to ice fish with me this season.
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I talked with some F&G biologists yesterday at PV about the parking at the pullouts around the narrows. I was hoping for more plowing but they said forest serving wants to make the whole area no parking. I wish there was something we could do. PV is such a fun fishery but the fees and no access are wrecking it.
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So what needs to be done is to get a petition going to submit to our congressional delegation that will require the Federal Gvt. to deed these lands to the State to manage. They need to be State Parks, not some half a***d Federal what ever. We need to organize several individuals to draft the petition and have it placed in every Sporting Goods, Marina, etc and get every sportsman in the state to sign it. We need to get our Congressional Delegation to get off their collective duffs and draft legislation to have these lands remitted to control of the State and get the Feds the heck out of the way. I am sure there are people on this board that have the legal and political expertise to do this. It is intolerable that Sportsman have to put up with this garbage because the Feds don't want to be bothered.
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The mismanagement of ALL federal lands is beyond a joke, its CRIMINAL! From forest fires to locking out the public from fishing to one stroke of the pen national monuments. And the BLM has the audacity to put up signs all over the west desert saying welcome to YOUR public lands??? Y'all are upset dealing with these idiots for recreation and rightfully so. Ya oughta try doing it when it effects your livelihood. I agree with Therapist- The federal government has no business managing land in Utah. Rileyfish i can see your point as well. A few scum bags can easily ruin it for everyone. But in this instance, it just another Fed excuse for not doing their job.
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I agree with the sentiment that the Feds are taking the easy way out here, BUT given the issues with restrooms, garbage, vandalism, etc., is it really any surprise that this is the way that it is going? At a certain point, you throw your hands up and say "F**K IT"!! Have had plenty of pissed off landowners that no longer allow hunting on their lands because a few losers shot their cattle, left gates open, and rutted their fields. You have the few in the general public that screw everyone else...and it's only going to get worse as our population grows (whether native or transplants), public lands become more crowded, and more entitled boneheads enter the ranks. We are failing ourselves whether it be from not correctly teaching the upcoming generation, not recruiting new, responsible sportsmen and sportswomen, not policing ourselves better, etc.
So while I again agree that the Feds are taking the easier way out by gating these places off, we have to do better. Period. End of Story.
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Boy that's a  story ?.. to bad to say it's true. ?
I've tried for years to pick up other people's mess,  its always there. But I'll continue to pick it up.
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So once the money taker is gone, the gates lock? Does this imply no more late fall fishing?
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I got a solution...the big field for sale on the south shore...I will buy it and all my big fish tackle friends can come park and fish and shoot the bull and I will cook BBQ and fill your coke cup with ice...
Checks bank account....
Ok we may have to walk from the gas station. Bring your own ice. But I will still share my jerkey.
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
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So... If the state parks can keep gates open and accomodate all the garbage tossing, vandalizing fools that are living in Utah, WHY CAN'T THE FOREST SERVICE???? I agree we need to be good stewards of our public lands and pick up after each other, but there is no reason the federal mangers cant do a good job just like our state mangers other than lack of effort, lack of will, or lack of good management. The forest service fees are some of the highest on many of the public lands and I feel these lands are some of the worst managed.
That my 2 cents!
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If you want a job done right, DON'T give it to the Feds.
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All though I do not agree with current management practices. I am reminded of a simple phrase my Grandpa told, "Leave it better than you found it!" I have seen people abuse the public lands for years. So for me, the solution is well within our grasps. Teach all those around you to clean up their own DAMN mess.
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(02-04-2021, 01:50 AM)Cowboypirate Wrote: I got a solution...the big field for sale on the south shore...I will buy it and all my big fish tackle friends can come park and fish I like that plan Lance, especially if they allow you to build a boat ramp there and develop the land so that the Forest service sub contracting the ramps out is not the only game in town. I'd be willing to go in on a project like that with you.  Even if it was only used during the off season, when the sub contractors quit having their gates open, it could be a money maker.
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(02-03-2021, 11:15 PM)MWScott72 Wrote: I agree with the sentiment that the Feds are taking the easy way out here, BUT given the issues with restrooms, garbage, vandalism, etc., is it really any surprise that this is the way that it is going? At a certain point, you throw your hands up and say "F**K IT"!! Have had plenty of pissed off landowners that no longer allow hunting on their lands because a few losers shot their cattle, left gates open, and rutted their fields. You have the few in the general public that screw everyone else...and it's only going to get worse as our population grows (whether native or transplants), public lands become more crowded, and more entitled boneheads enter the ranks. We are failing ourselves whether it be from not correctly teaching the upcoming generation, not recruiting new, responsible sportsmen and sportswomen, not policing ourselves better, etc.
So while I again agree that the Feds are taking the easier way out by gating these places off, we have to do better. Period. End of Story. The outdoor shows keep telling us that the number of outdoorsmen (Hunters & Fisherman or Ladies) is declining across the States. I sure would like to know where this is happening.
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"However, we are hopeful a solution will be developed that will provide reasonable access to the reservoir throughout the year."
I hope so, too. The French would have already cut the lock off the gate, knocked over all the "No Parking" signs, and dumped truckloads of trash.
As far as I'm concerned, the real issue is that the FS turned over management to a private company, and a private company exists to make money, not provide services.
Littering and vandalism are shameful and disgusting, and obviously cannot be allowed, but as busy as those areas ARE in the winter, not providing minimal services that are not that costly (open restrooms, a parking lot, and a dumpster), is just silly. Sorry to inconvenience you, but WE, the PEOPLE, want access to our public lands.
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(02-09-2021, 03:35 PM)Springbuck1 Wrote: "However, we are hopeful a solution will be developed that will provide reasonable access to the reservoir throughout the year."
I hope so, too. The French would have already cut the lock off the gate, knocked over all the "No Parking" signs, and dumped truckloads of trash.
As far as I'm concerned, the real issue is that the FS turned over management to a private company, and a private company exists to make money, not provide services.
Littering and vandalism are shameful and disgusting, and obviously cannot be allowed, but as busy as those areas ARE in the winter, not providing minimal services that are not that costly (open restrooms, a parking lot, and a dumpster), is just silly. Sorry to inconvenience you, but WE, the PEOPLE, want access to our public lands. I agree with you. We the people might just have to stand up for our rights, if this happens or get our elected officials involved.