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Any Utah Lake posts?
Has anyone fished for cats or wh bass lately?
My buddy went to af on Sunday, 3 wb was it and 1 bullhead
Seen mixed reports from various social media. Cats seem to be hitting but water clarity due to winds may have the bite off a bit. Seen some night cat hunter getting a few good ones. WB bite reports have been really mixed with some good reports of a bite in the harbors one day then off the next.
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew

I and my Brother took our impaired father out on Saturday in the boat.  The White Bass was slow, but we got bait.  The Cats were not as numerous as this time of year previously, but we caught 6 ranging from 5.75 to 6.25 pounds.  We also caught one Bullhead.

Overall, not a bad day.  The water color was very off.  It is clear that the wind has not been kind.
We fished Utah Lake today and it was slow, unless one gets excited about catching mud cats. We fished the north end and mostly where the American Fork sewer water runs into Utah Lake. It was almost nonstop for mud cats, but we only managed 4 channel cats (lost 2 or 3 more) and 5 white bass (missed several other bites).

The first channel cat I caught tossing a spinner (no bait) for white bass. Always fun to catch a channel cat casting a spinner on a light-weight rod.

Water temp started at 65 and ended at 68, at 3 PM, when we called it a day.

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