08-24-2021, 04:02 AM
Not a terribly exciting A.M. fishing report for today, but when I do get the chance to get out, I usually try to get out a report...Hope we get more reports from all....Even if you're not giving a terribly exciting fishing report.....it's better than no fishing report, IMO....Sometimes it's just plain fun/good/instructional to read these reports, even if we're not talking of 'Limits' or the Giant of a Lifetime.......SO...this A.M. I took a newbie to East Canyon, hooked him up with all my gear, Downrigger for each, and 1 extra planer board out... I did let him use my most productive trout (sometimes koke) catching set, 'Pink Metallic Squid' w/Smile blade, about 15" behind a 16" set of homemade trolls...he kept this on all A.M., as it worked while the bite was on (about 0730 to 0930)...He was about 26' down, got 5 or 6 good hits, and connected on 3 nice 'bows, all around 16"ers....When I got the chance, I experimented with 5 or 6 other lures, different depths, but only had 1 solid hit, slowly reeling in an okay 15"er..All lures were tipped w/small pc of nite crawler, and a little squirt of Berkeley scent..For a 'Full Moon' trip, I think we did alright...Long way down the ramp, and narrow, so only 1 boat can launch/retrieve at a time...not much traffic out there today, but still 1 or 2 water skier boats, and a couple personal craft chasing around...surface water quality was poor as heading into the opening toward Taylor's Fork, with lots of green/brown algae sludge...I guess the guy driving the water skier around in that area was going too fast to notice...Guluk...