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Willard North 9\6 skunk was in the air
Got out to the north marina about 8 and was fishing by 8:15. By the time 11:00 showed up I had a total of zero fish and no bites. What a difference a couple day makes.  Friday I drug chub and chicken chunks on Santee rigs behind my kayak. Kitties were plentiful and hungry. Used the same thing today and nothing. Re-entered the marina and decided to take a quick lap around it. Changed from Santee rigs to a chunk under a bobber with an 18 inch leader. Average depth once outside of the channel was 2 1\2  FOW. Didn't go far and the chicken bobber disappeared. Only a cookie cutter kittie but it was a skunk busting cookie cutter. Found one more dumb one before returning to the ramp about noon.  The power squadron was out in force. Several had wandered outside the channel in the marina and were grounded. One guy asked me to help him get unstuck. Told him to throw me a rope and hang on. I thought it was funny.
[Image: IMG-20210906-113610573.jpg]
Amazing that a couple of days could make that big of a difference. Lucky you found that shallow water in the marina. Maybe if a few more of those power squad boats got grounded they would quit going out to Willard. Undecided
We can hope. Really surprised to see as many as showed up.
You'll be "fluttering" those fins before long if it keeps dropping. (I did show you how to do that, didn't I?)
Larry, I pulled 2 boats that had run aground back on a 4th July weekend several years ago. One was on the gravel bar off to the right of the north channel point towards Eagle beach, and one was on the mud hump about 30 yards off of the north ramp. Both on same day.
Asked both if they had a depth gage or sonar on their boats (both larger ski or wake type) got the same ridiculous answer from both of them,

    "Oh, I don't need a fish finder. I'm not fishing"   

   You just can't fix stupid...................
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
(09-07-2021, 12:32 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: You'll be "fluttering" those fins before long if it keeps dropping. (I did show you how to do that, didn't I?)
Rocky, I've found a couple times where fluttering came in handy.  The SS Rocky is fishing good still.  I bought a new boat this spring that usually stays in the garage in favorite of the kayak.


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