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Okay now your BS detector is pegged here’s the rest of the story. Got me a new casting net seems I can’t find my old one. Ran down to the local pond and started casting. It’s minnow season and this place seems to be the nursery. I don’t think I ever threw the net that I didn’t at least get a couple fish, except for that one botched throw where I really screwed up, but that was my fault not the fish. I even snagged up and had to wade in and retrieve my net and still had at least a half dozen fish still in the net. Top numbers went to panfish and when they are small I can’t tell them apart very well, but I did get bigger ones too so I could verify bluegill, green sunfish and crappie were all present. Got LMB and SMB it was easy to tell the difference there. Then I got bullheads and carp (my target species) Then it got more difficult, I got multiple fish that I think were perch except I didn’t think there were many perch in the pond. I also got some that looked similar but didn’t have the perch black bars. I’m not sure if that was walleye or faded color perch. Anyway it was really fun to see so many different kinds of fish. I just wonder why I can’t find any of the big ones. I ended up with 34 carplets and probably got 30 other fish per each carp minnow so I got a lot of fish total, just not much that I was after. I always like to catch minnows, just to see what’s around and I really can’t believe there are so many Gill fry and the adults are so rare to find. Maybe I need to learn better how to fish for them. Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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Just got off the phone with Jeff. I think he may be more excited about the minnow haul than if he had a 36" cat take off with his bobber
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
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Well I'm not so sure about that, but it's always fun to catch some fish, even if they are a little small... Didn't mention the new net is 1/4'' mesh this time and I really like it, the fish don't get stuck in the net... That really helps... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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Got a couple little channel cats today and they get stuck in the net, they have tiny barbs that really grab on to the net fibers. But with a little patience I got them out. Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
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Sounds like a lot of fun Jeff. I get excited about almost any fish as well. Thanks for sharing!
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Thanks Jim, I haven't done as well with the net the last two nights catching mostly bullheads and tiny channels with a single carp minnow both nights... Too bad I can't find more, both of those have resulted in nice channel cats on the rod... I need to go out earlier or stay later, these hour trips don't yield much for results... anyway I did figure out what all those fish over by the marina bridge were... (I've been watching tons of fish slurping and jumping around the bridge for a week or so, and the pelican's and grebes have been in there thick.) Since I wasn't catching any fish over there and suspecting they were minnows, and the fish finder showed tons of fish, so, I threw the casting net... Ended up being filled with Bullheads of all sizes from 3" to 7"... I really didn't expect them to be catfish, I was hoping crappie or bluegill, but no just mudcats... Still fun to find out though... Anyway thanks for the reply... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!