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Is Spring here or not?
Sunday was in the mid 60's, Monday was in the 50's and today was in the 70's. Sounds like spring is here. Then the &quot;profesional guessers&quot; weather man just told us it is going to be in the 30's tonight and only the 40's tommarrow and rain again. It is just not fair! We get all up about spring and it get's yanked right out from under us. Is it against the la to XXXXX the weather man? If it is then all I can do is wait. If it is not than someone let me know and I will go XXXXX the weather man and get our spring back. I want to go back for a repeat of sunday with the pole in my hand an see if I can go get one of the big cats in my pond.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
this is what spring looks like one day worm the next snow. <br><br>SE mich normaly the temps range 30-50 is what is to be expected. <br><br>you should be about 3 deg. wormer generaly on average.<br><br>we can still have snow we can have 80's as well. <br><br>I my self will take what ever mama nature has to offer.<br><br> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
My problem is when it is below 60deg I have a real bad time moving, so I have to go back into hibernation. I'v been hibermating toooooooo looooonnnnnggggg this winter. I want out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
I hear you there ssor, me too.<br>not much Ice to get out on so I stayed in more than I wanted.<br><br>I got some yard work I want to get at but I am waiting till it turns 50 at night before I get starded. dont want wake up the bugs to early.<br><br> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
I wish it would make up its mind. The morels are going to start popping if it would. Can't wait!<br><br>
tpet96,<br>The weather looks better this coming week. Are you going to try to get your line wet?<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
You better believe it. I work third, so it's tough for me to get out as much as I like. But....I'm going to make time this week Smile Heading to the Maumee River Saturday if things hold out, and going to hunt morels and fish for 'eyes on Friday.<br><br>

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