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Epic Bear Lake Day
I don't usually post much these days, but thought I'd show you guys this nice Laker I pulled out of BL a couple weeks ago. 
Got over there early and made the long hike out to the spot. Met my buddies Jeff and Shawn out there and then proceeded to settle in. Lots of lookers on the sonar but no takers, until finally I nailed one and it was game on! Several runs and maybe 15 minutes later I iced the biggest trout of my life. Got the pics and promptly released him. (He was tagged). Guessing around 15 lbs, I don't know for sure. 
Few hours later I pulled up a beautiful cutty, and then another big laker wanted to play. But I could tell the hookset wasn't a good one. Several runs and got him to the hole where the jig fell off when it bumped the bottom of the ice! Jeff was there and saw it too. I was bummed about that one because he looked and felt just as big. 
Either way it was a great day! Love BL ice! 
Happy fishing, everyone!

[Image: PXL-20220225-153604278.jpg]

[Image: PXL-20220225-191836469.jpg]
Real nice laker. Thanks for sharing
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Congratulations on a fine outing and a great laker, but macks are not a member of the trout family. Macks are a member of the char family and trout belong to the salmonid family.
Great mack, did you have a chance to measure it before you released it?
Nice fish LM. It was nice meeting you up there just wish we would've fished off the side you did after we met up with Jeff. We didn't do very good after we left to fish gus rich and the weed beds. I'll have an updated ice report sometime today from some friends up there today.  It's been pretty chilly in that valley on the lake town side on the temp sensors for a bit now. Might be another trip on the schedule.
(03-12-2022, 03:24 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: Congratulations on a fine outing and a great laker, but macks are not a member of the trout family.  Macks are a member of the char family and trout belong to the salmonid family.

It's funny that we refer to them as Lake "trout" When I was a kid we called walleye pike. Whatever you want to call it a fish is a fish and they are all fun to catch ?
(03-12-2022, 07:29 PM)RookyFisher Wrote:
(03-12-2022, 03:24 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: Congratulations on a fine outing and a great laker, but macks are not a member of the trout family.  Macks are a member of the char family and trout belong to the salmonid family.

It's funny that we refer to them as Lake "trout" When I was a kid we called walleye pike. Whatever you want to call it a fish is a fish and they are all fun to catch ?

The story goes, and I assume it is true, that the early biologists thought mackinaw were trout and it wasn't until later, after science had progressed some, that they discovered that they had misclassified them.
(03-12-2022, 03:24 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: Congratulations on a fine outing and a great laker, but macks are not a member of the trout family.  Macks are a member of the char family and trout belong to the salmonid family.

I'm not trying to be picky or a "know-it-all", but lake trout and cutthroat are BOTH members of the Salmonidae family.  Whitefish are even a member of Salmonidae family.  Where they differ is at the Genus level.  Lake trout are in the Salvelinus genus (char) whereas cutthroat, rainbows and pacific salmon (chinook, coho, pinks, chums, and sockeye/kokanee) are members of the Oncorhynchus genus.  To make it more confusing brown trout and Atlantic salmon are both members of the Salmo genus.  Finally, whitefish are members of either the Coregonus or Prosopium genera.  Is it confusing, YES.  I'm glad I'm not a taxonomist and just a field biologist.   I didn't even mention sub-families which adds another layer of confusing names/grouping for the average person.  Trust me, we use the naming in our daily work and still question ourselves sometimes.
(03-12-2022, 07:53 PM)BearLakeFishGuy Wrote:
(03-12-2022, 03:24 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: Congratulations on a fine outing and a great laker, but macks are not a member of the trout family.  Macks are a member of the char family and trout belong to the salmonid family.

I'm not trying to be picky or a "know-it-all", but lake trout and cutthroat are BOTH members of the Salmonidae family.  Whitefish are even a member of Salmonidae family.  Where they differ is at the Genus level.  Lake trout are in the Salvelinus genus (char) whereas cutthroat, rainbows and pacific salmon (chinook, coho, pinks, chums, and sockeye/kokanee) are members of the Oncorhynchus genus.  To make it more confusing brown trout and Atlantic salmon are both members of the Salmo genus.  Finally, whitefish are members of either the Coregonus or Prosopium genera.  Is it confusing, YES.  I'm glad I'm not a taxonomist and just a field biologist.   I didn't even mention sub-families which adds another layer of confusing names/grouping for the average person.  Trust me, we use the naming in our daily work and still question ourselves sometimes.

I stand corrected -- I think. Confused
(03-12-2022, 05:15 PM)Muskyon46 Wrote: Nice fish LM. It was nice meeting you up there just wish we would've fished off the side you did after we met up with Jeff. We didn't do very good after we left to fish gus rich and the weed beds. I'll have an updated ice report sometime today from some friends up there today.  It's been pretty chilly in that valley on the lake town side on the temp sensors for a bit now. Might be another trip on the schedule.

You should have fished by me, you never know! Man I wish I could have got that 2nd up on the ice!!
Hey Derek, I can vouch for the second being a nice fish, I was guessing close to 20 lbs, but it was under a little water and may have magnified it a little, but it was only down a foot or two at most. It was a beauty for sure, sorry I didn't get a hold of it... Little too deep to dive in after... Must have been in the 30"+ range, it was a very nice fish.. I was back over Friday again, but couldn't find the mac, ended up with a 17 and 18.5" cuttie that was really fat and 5 whitefish and that will probably end my ice fishing for the year... Although there was probably 16" of good ice still on the lake... Congrats on a great day... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Then they wonder why people don't post there results on this web site. W hen they might say something a little bit wrong. I dont have a Biology. Major but its a very NiICE FISH. You can call it a lake trout if you want , Thousand of people have called it that over the years. Any fisherman that has been around knows what your talking about. I was fishing Jordanelle today and I didn't measure the ice with a certified tape so I don't dare tell you how thick it was and how well we did for fear that I might get it wrong .

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