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New Member
Hello all, Just found this site fascinating. I was raised in NW Connecticut on Highland lake and started fishing at a very early age. Then at 27 I moved to Florida and did a lot of drift fishing, catching Snappers, Dolphin, kingfish etc.

Well, 2 years ago I moved to the Bahamas, Now this is fishing. Being married to a Bahamian I have acquired a lot of true recipies, which I will post. The firt year I didn't catch a thing from shore, but recently got a 14 ft Boston Whaler with small motor. Now, I can't stay off the water.

I have been catching Hinefish, Grunts, Porgies, Turbot, Yellowtail Snapper, Flounder, Durbin, Margaret Fish, Mutton snapper, Bonefish from my boat ramp, Grey Snapper, Shad and the list goes on.

Glad I found this site.

Dave Reeve
Hey there dreeve, Hi and welcome to the BFT message boards. We look forward to seeing your fishing reports as they happen. Thanks for signing up and for your wonderful compliments to this site.

We do have a recipe board here and would like to invite you to use it to post some of your fabulous recipes. The board is arranged by species. If there is not a species there, then feel free to request a thread and I'll be glad to start one for you.

Thank you in advance for all that you have to share with us and Tight Lines.
[cool][#008080][size 2]Hi there dreeve and may I also welcome you to the BFT. Having lived in So. Florida for several years I found the fishing there outstanding. If fishing in the Bahamas is even better are you sure that you haven't died and gone to fish heaven? I would imagine that the water is as warm and clear there as it is off the coast of Fla. Don't be a stranger and hurry back now you hear![/size][/#008080]
I have found the water on the southwestern side of New Providence very clear and warmer than the Florida coast. On calm days, the bottom at 20 ft of water looks like only inches down. I have been exploring Shoals off of Adelaide Village and hopefully enclose a pic of an afternoons catch.
It looks like the inshore fishing Gods are favoring you. Nice catch and thanks for the pictures. Don't forget to post this on your state board as well. I'm sure there are some local anglers that would like to see what is going on close to them as well.

Happy Fishing
[cool][#800000][size 2]Hi there TubeN2,[/size][/#800000]

[#800000][size 2]Don't we have an International board where posters like dreeve's could also post his comments? re: the Bahamas.[/size][/#800000]
Any of the Saltwater discussion is welcome here. Actual reports should be directed to the State, Country or International board that pertains to the area of the report.

As a courtesy, I let a report stay here for about 1 week, notify the posting party of where the report will be moved to and then move it. That way there are no hard feelings.[cool]
[cool][#008080][size 1]I wasn't questioning his post under Saltwater discussion - my question was where is the International board where he can also make posts? I can't find it. [crazy] Then again maybe it is right under my nose.[/size][/#008080]
I realize what you mean. We used to have one and it's no longer there. Hmmmmm. It must have happened with the software changeover. We'll get it back. It is a real need since we are constantly getting new members worldwide.
I just put in a request for them to replace the one that used to be there. We do need to provide for all of our members worldwide.[cool] We aim to please.
[cool][#008080][size 2]Thanks for the clarification. I guess that means I am not [crazy]. By the way BFT members my mental state is not up for debate - at least not yet.[/size][/#008080]
Check the Mod board and see if you want to lend a hand in this one.[Wink]
THanks for all the replysa to my first post.

If you wish for my 2 cents, since the Bahamas is so close to Florida and people I knoe here would rather not discuss the fish they catch (a Bahamian thing) I prefer to stay / post in the Saltwater forum.

There are a lot of BAhamian fisherpeople, but not the computer type. They are more thew go get fish becaude they NEED to, not for sport. The commercial fishing I don't think would find this site, no offense.

I posted my Hello for those of you coming here and wish to know where / what is out there without spending a lot of money for a charter. I do know BOnefishing is big in Andros, I actually have a friend who owns a camp in South Andros, He too is amazed that I am catching Bonefish from my boat ramp.

Like I said, my 2 cents

welcome aboad they mate hope to see you some more and love receipes on all fish .good fishin bud and see you on the water.
It's not a problem at all if you post here.[Smile] We were just discussing that we do have regional boards for the individual states to post their fishing reports on. I personally love to ready others fishing reports. I may be in someone elses area someday and can gain some knowledge as to what is biting.

This particular board is for general discusion. We do get reports from time to time because sometimes it is difficult to navigate this site and it only seems fitting to post a fishing report from the saltwater on the saltwater board.

If and when I have to move a report to its proper location, I do let the poster know so that they are not offended in any way. For right now, there is no international board so your post is welcome to stay.[cool]

Once again, Good job on the catch. Happy Fishing and tight lines bro.

Hey there dreeve,

Welcome to our boards. Look forward to finding out about the fishing in the Bahamas.

I was thinking of starting a new thread, but decided against it.

This morning, Andria and I decided we were going fishing. I sent her off to get some new squid while I got the boat ready. Filled up the reserve 1 gallon tank, topped off the 3.5 Johnson, re-rigged the lines.

Now, here in the Bahamas we do NOT use poles. We use the 6 inch reel with between 20 - 30 pound test. Then you tie the 3/4 oz weight at the bottom. A foot or so up the line, we make a loop, slip it though the hook eye and pass the hook through the loop. Holding the hook, twirl the weight around the line half way to the hook, and tie it off. Note: I did have a pole, but it was in the back seat of my Jimmy and one day I upped the windows, cut the sucker in half. Learning how to fish with a spool is a different story, and much better when you get the hang of it.

I had everything ready. Shortly, I found a stow away in the boat, my cat Chuckie, had to scoot him out. Another story, he is a swimming cat.

Didn't have time to catch small shad for bait, as Andria was running late to grab the High tide coming up.

Anyways, we got out there a bit, stopped at a few shoals, found the anchor hooked up. Then we learned how to release the new anchor. We had always use an old piece of a wheel, (The Bahamian Anchor). I was getting frustrated and was ready for plan B. Put a plastic bottle on the line, go back to shore, get the old anchor, and return with snorkling gear and free it up. As we were only 1/4 mile from shore the water was only 9 feet deep. I would have swam down to get the anchor. Anyways, Andria and I decided to pull up to it, tie it off, then rev the motor forward, well, it released and off we went to next next shoal further out.

We made it out between the Royal Bahamas Defense Force and the Power Plant, dropped anchor and threw our lines out. Immediately, Andria was pulling in something heavy. She landed a Margaret Fish. Good enough for dinner. I then pulled in a Red Eyed John.

The last 6 months, I have been told and have been careful of their stingers, well, today it got me in the first knuckle of the middle finger. It was numb for the first hour, then just throbbed the second hour, I wasn't fishing.

The wind picked up as showers were between us and the shore, so after the shower past, I decided I had had enough. We had our peanut butter & jelly sandwichs, V8 and headed back home.

Not a good day fishing for me, but a good day on the water for Andria.

We'll be out again this weekend....

[cool][font "Script MT Bold"][#008080][size 2]Hey there dreeve,[/size][/#008080][/font]

[font "Script MT Bold"][#008080][size 2]Thanks for sharing your story with us. Getting hit by that stinger reminded me of the time I was surf fishing [in the water] off of Sanibel Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Felt something sharp at the back of my heel then noticed a small ray swimming by. Wow did he ever leave a nasty cut on my foot. Never did realize how dangerous they could be.[/size][/#008080][/font]
Welcome to bigfish tackle Dave.

Be sure to drop in on your local state board to post your fishing reports. [/url][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][white][size 1][url ";"][white][#0000ff]Connecticut[/#0000ff][/url] [/white][/size][/white][/font]

We also have a free fishing contest currently running. pleanty of time to get in on the action.

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