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Well, My time left in Utah is winding down.
[size 3]Well, I got my marching orders on Friday! [/size]

[size 3]I am headed to [/size][url ""][#000000][size 3]Kunsan Air Base Korea [/size][/#000000][/url][size 3]for a year remote tour. My report no later than date is 10 November, which means I will be leaving here early October. The wife and kids are going back to North Carolina to stay with her parents. [/size]

[size 3]Then after Korea I am going to [/size][url ""][#000000][size 3]Barksdale Air Force Base[/size][/#000000][/url][size 3] Louisiana or Weezeanna as I like to call it. The wife and me have been looking at houses there for most of the weekend and saw some nice ones for a good price. [/size]

[size 3]We are very excited to finally be leaving Utah. Now, dont get me wrong. Utah has been a great experience, but just sitting here for the last 4 and 1/2 years is defeating the purpose of me joining the military. [/size]

[size 3]I have made some great friends here and for the last 2 years, BFT Utah has been my life. I will miss all of you and gettin a line wet with you all. Now, before any of you start shedding tears [laugh]

I will retire as a mod on 1 September. I will be watching for the special person to catch my eye for my replacement as a mod and then I will gather BLM's and Predators info on what they think. Of course, bribes and monetary gifts will greatly sway my vote! [Tongue]

So thats about it folks. Just wanted to let all my friends here know.
Teroy it will be Sad to see you go, we need that hammer mod around, hopefully the replacement will be as open minded but as efficient as you are. you predator and BLM do one hell of a job.

At least there is some good fishing and cookind down in louisana
I am sure we will all miss you on this site.You can check in now and again and let us know how you are doing. Man Louisiana, I have heard of killer bass fishing their.

Thanks for all your post and all the effort you have put into this website to make it a great place to be.
#1 you da man

#2 whatever anybody tells you - dont eat the Kim Chi

#3 you're gonna love LA - they got 10lb wipers there!

take care [cool]

We'll miss you my friend. I read a report today that said the troops that were going to Korea are going to be cut by 1/3. I'm not sure if they are talking about army troops or total troops but they will go to Iraq instead. Good luck Troy.
[size 3]Kunsan is definitely remote!! Try to take the bus to Osan as much as you can! I spent a few months there and what an experience. Very poor culture, beautiful climate, awsome trips to go on. I recommend the DMZ trip! Try to pick up a nice china set for the family and mink blankets too! Leather and "Starter" clothing is priced cheap as well. You could have a jacket custom embrodered with anything you want for next to nothing.[/size]

[size 3]Do not try to jump bingue ditches after a few combat bowls of soju!! You will learn what that is all about when you get there!! LOL[/size]

[size 3]Good luck to you and stay in touch! We all are proud of you for serving!![/size]

[size 3]PS[/size]

[size 3]If it's worth anything, I vote for Jason (petty4life) to take over Hammer duties!! I got no money to bribe you though!! LOL[/size]
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 2] Teroy , it's not going to be the same around here without you. Hey man you've been a great friend and it's been my pleasure to know you. I would have chosen a lot better place than Korea to try to fish in.LOL We are going to miss you .[/size][/red][/font]

[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 2] AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Hey glad to see you got orders you like. but still sorry to see you go.

hey PM chefwhofishes for your dinner we all paid for before you go.
Sorry to see you go Teroy, hope you like Korea, it is definitly different. Been there done that and am not doing it again.
I was wondering if you'd ever get those orders! It must have been picking up the new boat, and getting her all sea worthy again.

I wish you the best, we'll sure miss ya. Don't forget to drop in and say hi though.
Hope they televise Raider games over there.[Wink] Otherwise I'll have to mail you a video. Its been good to know ya and I hope you'll be able to stop in from time to time and say hello. Thank you for serving.[cool] Chad

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