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New Poll for all members
How often do you fish alone?

1. once in awhile.

2. often.

3. almost everytime you go out.

4. hardly ever.

5. other
[#800000][size 2]# 3[/size][/#800000]
Hardly ever,
Fishing is always better with good company.
[blush][blue][size 1]Used to fish alone a lot...when I was married to a woman who told me "You better not go fishing if you know what's good for you." It was good for me. Got me single again so that I could meet and marry TubeBabe.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]Now I don't have to worry about going long as I take her with me. [/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]The other side of the question is unstated. That is, how do you pick a good fishing buddy. What are the criteria and how do you dump one that is a pain in the behind?[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]Fishing is a sport that is sometimes best when done alone. It is a good way to wind down and do a "brain broom" (my term). You can fish, or you can fret...but you can't fish and fret at the same time.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]When things are mellow, then fishing is best with the family, a close friend or someone who needs some coaching. Heck, maybe it is you that needs the coaching and some kind soul is willing to help you out. Much of what I think I know I have learned from spending quality time on the water with other anglers who were more experienced and knowledgeable in areas I wanted to learn more about.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]And then, there are those trips when you hook the fish of a lifetime, bring it in and release it...and no camera to record the event. Having a fishing buddy along to corroborate your story can be priceless. As long as his memory jibes with yours when you tell the story later.[/size][/#0000ff]

Best Fishes

#4, I used to fish alot by myself but with my daughters getting older now I think I have two full time fishing partners.Well at least till they are teen-agers.
4. hardly ever

The kids get mad at me if I go without them.
#3 new to area...guess i should try to hook up with someone sometime
#4 for me. I try to take at least a kiddo with me.

I like to go alone quite a bit, but I usually take my wife and/or kids.
#3 But I'm hopin that will change in a few years when my boy gets old enough.
#1 i got kidds that love to go!!
I only fish alone in the early mornings before going into work. Almost every day. Other than that I don't fish without my fishing buddy, my son TubeNtoo.[cool][cool]
#4 for me too.[Smile]

I have two girls, ages 3 and 2. They go with me weekly. Tonight we are headed to East Canyon. I rarely get to go by myself. Last week I was headed out to one of my favorite holes to be alone when my brother called and said he wanted to go fishing. It was supposed to be me and him but then he brought his 3 kids with him. The fishing was poor but that is generally my experience when you take a bunch of small kids. They generally require a smooth shoreline so they don't fall in but yet one big enough for everyone to get their lines in. And then, if you don't have any luck, you find it more of a pain to move somewhere so you just stay there and not catch fish, but at least you have someone there to do it with you.

[Smile]#1 I love to go with my old man. But he is getting up there so sometimes I have to find someone else or go by my self. I would take my wife but last time she came she cought a 4.5 lb bow and then was ready to go home 20 min later. The fish Gods love her so in order to keep things fare around the house I have to limit her time on the water. A man can only take so much. Have a good day boys. Mike
#3. I just haven't met anyone I could really stand fishing with a lot....well, I take that back. My daughter is really good company. [Smile] I just haven't met anyone I could hook up with a lot to go fishing. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to fish with somebody all teh time, it just hasn't worked out that way.

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