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Recent Fishing Reports for Idaho. 7/1
[size 2]Here are some of the more recent fishing report from your state. They come directly from the State's fishing information board and may include some flyfishing information as well.[/size]
Big Wood River - July 1st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Silver Creek Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
The Green Drakes are in full swing this week on the Big Wood. The coming week should also provide good action with this insect. The bulk of the activity has moved to mid-valley with Box Car Bend being the epicenter of the bug activity. By next week start tracking the Drake into the Ketchum area and even north toward Hulen Meadows. The caddis activity on the Wood has been absolutely phenomenal for anglers standing on the right stretch right at dark. The easiest way to fish the caddis is to swing flies and try to feel the strike in the falling light. With enough glare and if an angler faces the right direction Caddis imitations that are buoyant can be seen good enough to catch fish in calm slicks. Don't forget to get up early to catch the Green Drake spinner fall; this event is often over about the time anglers are getting on the water. Try to be fishing by 7:00 A.M. if you want to see this event. Look for the bugs to be spinning over fast water and watch for fish activity in the areas below these spots that look like fish holding spots. If you don't feel like matching the hatch, just walk a lot of water and fish big stimulators to soft pockets. This can provide plenty of action. Keep those little yellow stone fly patterns ready as this bug should begin showing in great numbers this week.
Silver Creek - July 1st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Silver Creek Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Silver Creek continues to fish well. The Green Drake is a major player on Conservancy waters and Green Drake patterns fished to risers or even blind will produce fish. The hatches of Baetis and PMD's as well as several kinds of small caddis keep the conveyor belt of food moving for these fish. There is good hatch activity in the mornings and periodically through the afternoons. The evenings have been nothing short of spectacular when the wind is down. Few anglers are fishing the evening hours and there are plenty of rising fish to stalk and present flies to. The action on the sloughs also continues to be good with fish coming readily to the surface for well tied and well presented Callibaetis imitations. Green Drake patterns also will work for the first few casts in the slough on the right day. The lower water near Point of Rocks has hardly been fished at all since the Brown Drakes. Keep checking in on this area as random hatches throughout the day can provide some blue ribbon fishing with no one around.

Save Silver [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url] is a website dedicated to pertinent information concerning the state of our blue ribbon fishery. Visit this website and learn more about some of the issues which challenge Silver Creek's health.

Important Note: - Please use the Nature Conservancy's cleaning stations (dip tanks for waders and boots) along Silver Creek to prevent the spread of New Zealand mud snails, a non-native species that could ruin the fishery.

Warm Springs/Trail Creek
These Big Wood tributaries are beginning to fish well in most reaches. There has still been very little pressure on these waters as the summer crowds have yet to arrive. Some nice wild fish are around these systems, just cast attractor patterns and stay on the move.

Dollar/Penny and Lake Creek Lakes
A great place for the kids. Come by the shop and we can set you up with everything you need to get the littlest anglers on the water's edge. Idaho Fish and Game stock these waters regularly to ensure the success of our little fishing buddies.
Henry's Fork River - July 1st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Henry's Fork Anglers[/#0000ff][/url]
River Stage and Stream Flow [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]

Box Canyon
Good fishing. Fishing in Box Canyon is good. Try beadhead Prince Nymphs, Red Copper Johns, and Olive Tungsten Midges. We are seeing quite a few Golden Stone adults throughout the canyon. Try a Yellow Stimulator, Madam X, or Mystery Meat, sizes 6 and 8.

Last Chance & Railroad Ranch
Fair fishing. The fishing on Harriman state park is improving a little. The PMD hatch is getting better, and there are lots of Yellow Sallies. The Brown Drakes have been on the last few days, with good spinner falls late in the afternoon on cloudy days. We are starting to see a few Flavs on the Ranch, but we have yet to see the Green Drakes really pop.

Riverside Campground to Warm River
Good fishing. For dry flies, try Golden Stones and Caddis. Subsurface, the best bets are beadhead nymphs (Copper John, Prince, Hare's Ear) and stonefly nymphs.

Warm River to Ashton Reservoir
The Warm River to Ashton section has some excellent fishing right now. For dry flies, fish are taking Golden Stones, Caddis, and PMD’s. Beadhead nymphs like Prince Nymphs and Copper Johns always take plenty of fish.

From Ashton Dam Downstream
The fishing below Vernon Bridge has slowed a little, although it’s still pretty darn good. The Flavs are still hatching, but in smaller numbers, and mostly later in the day. We’re still seeing lots of PMD’s and Caddis. Spent Caddis and Rusty Spinner imitations are really important for morning and evening fishing down there.

Henry's Fork Tributaries
Fall River is still a little higher than most people like to see it, but it’s running clear and the fishing is good. Try olive Caddis Larva imitations, beadhead nymphs, and small Rubberleg nymphs.

The small streams in the lower Henry’s Fork and Fall River drainage are fishing well. Warm River, Robinson Creek, and other small streams are producing lots of smaller Brook, Brown and Rainbow trout. Anglers are taking fish on attractor dry flies and beadhead nymphs.

Henry's Lake & Island Park Reservoir
The lake fishing has improved a little. We’ve heard rumors of several fish in excess of 10lbs, taken on fly rods, out of Henry’s Lake. Try California Leeches, Olive Rock Chucks, Halloweens, and the other usual standards.
Little Wood River - June 30th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Silver Creek Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Not many people are fishing the Little Wood, especially on the weekdays. If you truly want to fish alone, this is the place to go. Big salmon fly imitations will do the trick whether you're fishing above the dam or in the desert below the Silver Creek confluence. Smaller fish can be caught by matching the daily hatches of smaller mayflies.
Big Lost River - June 30th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Silver Creek Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Big Lost River & Tributaries
The Copper Basin area is fishing o.k. although heavier flows are making the wading extremely tough in some areas. Anglers on the East Fork of the Lost and on the main Lost above the dam need to use extreme caution when wading, a wading belt is mandatory at these flows. General attractors are working fine throughout the up river system. If there is a soft spot in the current, there is going to be a fish. Large Baetis and Green Drakes seem to be the main bug of choice right now, but anglers that fish giant Salmon fly patterns are going to catch the most and the biggest fish. It is a common tactic on these waters to let the fish flash at the big flies and then switch to a Green Drake and tempt the same fish back with it. The Lost River below the dam is still pumping right along (440 cfs - 470 cfs), although it is fishable. Again wade with extreme caution here. Weighted nymphs fished through heads of riffles and pools will provide plenty of action
Boise River – South Fork - June 21st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Angler's Habitat[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 80 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Fair
South Fork of the Boise (Below Anderson Ranch Dam)


Again this is still primarily a float boat fishery. It is still fishable for the wader but be careful of the high water. The Salmon Flies are about a week to a week and a half away so be getting ready. Also there should be some caddis and PMDs hatching. Be ready for the Pink Alberts also.

FliesTongueheasant Tail, 14-18, Copper Johns, 14-18, Prince Nymphs, 14-18, Golden Stone Nymphs, 8-10, Stimulators, 8-12, Royal Wulff, 10-14, Elk Hair Caddis, 12-16, Baetis Thorax, 18-20, Terranasty, 4-6, Salmon Fly Stimulator, 2-6
Snake River - June 21st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Angler's Habitat[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 89 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Fair
Snake River (Below Swan Falls)


This still hasn't picked up but the water is dropping and clearing up so it should be getting good anytime. The fishi should be done spawning so if you want to take home a couple of fish to eat there should be no harm. Remeber the big fish are more important that the 12 inchers so let the big boys go.

Flies: Clowser Minnows in black, chartreuse, and white, 2-6, Stayner Ducktail, 6-10, Crawdad Patterns, 2, Woolly Buggers in brown, black, and white, 6-10, Zonkers in white and olive, 2
Duck Valley Stillwaters - June 21st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Angler's Habitat[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 82 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Good
Duck Valley Indian Reservation


I have friend who fished it this weekend and it fished very well. The Chiroinomids are hatching and the fish know it. A floasting and line and midge imitations are going to be your best bet in Mountain View. Billy Shaw is good along with Sheep Creek but not up to par with Mountain View. I heard a report of a 29 inch, 12 1/2 pound rainbow coming out of Mountain View.

Flies: Woolly Buggers in black, brown, and olive, 6-10, Mohair Leech, 8-12, Damsel Nymph, 10-12, Chironomids, 10-14, Disco Midge, 16-18, Parachute Midge in black, cream, and olive, 14-18
Boise River - June 21st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Angler's Habitat[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 88 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Good
Boise River (In Town)


There are still some salmon to be caught and it is a place close to home. There are several good places to fish for salmon. Also there are still a lot of trout and whitefish to be caught so take your nymphs. Also watch for caddis and midges on the surface.

Flies: Pheasant Tail, 12-18, Prince Nymph, 10-18, Hare's Ear, 12-18, Stimulators, 8-10, Royal Wulff, 10-14, Elk Hair Caddis, 12-16, Pink Bunny Leech, 2, Popsicles, 2, Egg Sucking Leech in black or purple, 2
Salmon River - June 21st, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Angler's Habitat[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 81 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Fair
Salmon River (South Fork)

No Report

The river opened on Monday the 21st and I have heard 2 differnt reports that say there are fish in the river right now. Pink is the best color on this river.

Flies: Popsicle, 2, Pink Bunny Leech, 2, Pink Spey Flies, 2, Flash Flies, 2
End of current reports[cool]

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