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Does anyone recognize this????
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] I was given this thingy from my father. He didn't know what it was either. From what I was able to gather, it was found under concrete porch steps for a house that my father grew up in. The house was originally barracks from a military base in eastern Idaho and relocated the this spot some time in the mid 1940's. Not sure if this info helps but I through it in anyway. By the looks of it, it's a lot older (primitive) than the 40's.

[Image: thingy1.jpg]
[Image: thingy2.jpg]
[Image: thingy3.jpg]
[Image: thingy4.jpg]
[Image: thingy5.jpg]
[Image: thingy6.jpg]

[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Any guesses are welcome.

[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
It looks like some type of ice pick with a rod holder built into it for ice fishing. That's just my guess.[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] That's was one thing we thought it was (ice pick) but it looks a little too danty to be used on ice. Another thing we thought it may be is some kind of candle holder. Ah, someday we may find out.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
no idea, but i'll think out loud. From the design of the wide top, it seems like it could be driven into the sand or snow using the heel of the hand, and the loop would enable it to be easily withdrawn.

the hook appears to be support to hang something once its vertical in the sand/snow. the 'loop' also appears to be support for something ???

it could be something as cool as a holder for a radiation measuring device, or as simple as the original holder for the "for sale sign" of the house your grandfather bought, and he chucked it under the porch after he purchased the house


ps go to ebay and search for "old cast iron" amazing whats on there . .

[url ""][/url]
Maybe it was used to make sure the forms were level by driving it into the ground and tying a string to it. That way when they built the forms for pourng the cement for the fondation, everything was level.


Then again it looks a little short for that.

Maybe it is a bayonette?
what you are looking at is an early postal delivery device for the pony express. (the first mail box)
[ul] [li]the long point would be set in to the corner post [/li] [li]the loop thing on the bottom would hold daily duty roster or an out going mail script. (vary few people could write in those days so mail pick up was minimal) [/li] [li]the loop on the top would would catch the local news print [/li] [li]the hook on the side would catch incoming mail from pony express[/li][/ul]
your house may be older than you think.. have you ever done an indept history on the area where you lived?

the area you lived could have been a military base all the way back in to the mid 1800's.

Just a guess....[url "javascript: addTag('sly')"][sly][/url]
Impressive Dave!!! [url "javascript: addTag('shocked')"][shocked][/url]

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