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I have returned
Its been more than a few months since the last time I posted here. With a new, and faster, internet connection, I've had to re-register. So here I am!! Previous name: johnincolorado. Yep, still here and still finding new fishing holes for those in the Denver metro area.
I visited a new hole that opened up where Colorado Blvd ends, south of 94th street in Thornton. As I drove up, a nice lady was woman-handling a nice 11-pound channelcat into the back of her SUV. She caught it on a dead shad about 1PM in the aforenoon.
Another gentleman told me he had rounded up three trout weighing approximately, you know us fishermen are good at guessing weight, 2 1/2 to 3-pounds. Because of the overabundant crawdad population, getting the smart ones to bite is a task, but they do bite.
Hey John, We are glad to have you back. Welcome back to BFT. I always enjoy hearing about CO fishing. There seems to be some kind of mystic about the waters there.[cool]
The reason may be that I'm writing a series of articles on Colorado fishing for an on-line magazine. I'm still working on the rivers and I'm learning a lot about where to fish, for what species and with what. Although I don't fly fish (gimme a spinning rod any day), I don't begrudge those who do. In fact, I admire their skill at putting a tiny fly into a patch of still back water. There was an interesting article in this morning's Denver Rocky Mt. News on the Big T, the Big Thompson and the reasons for it having small rainbows (8-12"). Next is the lakes, reservoirs and irrigation impoundments.
I would like to mention that I took my grandson (18-months old) on his first fishing/camping trip Labor Day weekend. I bought him his first fishing pole (Loony Tunes compared to a Barbie) and I'd say it was a great success. He tried to imitate me, and his Dad, in casting but settled for splashing the water with the rubber fish on the end. he was getting the idea. Sleeping in a tent instead of his own bed didn't seem to bother him, in fact, he slept like a log and woke up with his fishing pole in hand, ready to go again. This is definately going to be a steady routine with us.
An additional note would be that my daughter, her husband and three of her friends decided that they would like to join in. Sure beats the heck out spending the night in a smoky bar.
Hey there scribe,

Welcome back!

Bought HIM a Loony Toons rod? He was having trouble using it? Ha ..... I've heard that story before.... you buy the poor kid what YOU really want to fish with then the poor little guy doesn't stand a chance swingin' your gear around.

Ya big lug!

Give the kid some time to bond with his new toy. Given time, he could turn out to be a good angler.[cool]
good to see ya found your way back here, just let me know if you've forgotten where the colorado board is... L[laugh]L

you can never get them started to young.... wont be long and he will be asking you to go fishing...
I'll make sure of that, Dave.
I bought it for the bright color, the length and it's light, easy for him to carry and hold on to. When the time comes, he'll get one that'll do the job for him. However, I thought the same thing about me and now I have eight to choose from, plus four tackle boxes. He took to it right away, can hold it by the handle and started immitating me, and his Dad, on reeling in the line. My grandson is a smart one and I claim full bragging rights on this forum.
check it out!!! its super fly caster!!

great photo... thanks....

to bad these days cant last for ever, clever thing them cameras are, they can capture a memory for a life time[cool]....
I'm glad you noticed. I handed over to him after I retired shortly after dating Kryptonite Kate.
Welcome back John!


I'll look forward to reading your CO water updates. I'm finally settled in the Springs and have started to test out some local waters down her but look forward to getting up to Denver to take a run at some of those waters!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
What's your preference, Mike? In the Denver area, with the onslough of fall, the Walleye are starting to attack like an Armored Division in Cherry Creek and Chatfield. I was just up on the Cache La Poudre River and watched a flyfisherman haul in Rainbows and few browns one after another, maybe 12"-14". There are maybe a couple of dozen nice spots along the river all the way to Rustic that deserve a stop.
I don't flyfish but I do enjoy watching those who do. I'd need a bionic arm to cast that many times. However, I do use a slip bobber on a spinning rod at times and that seems to work just as well (Eagle Claw, right out of their store in Denver, corner of I-70 and Colorado Blvd).
Let me preface this by saying that I don't own a boat (darn it) so must restrict myself to bank fishing. However, in watching the fishermen trolling and still fishing at night along the face of the dam, they seem to be connecting on worm harnesses and leeches. I've also seen walleyes being lifted out at the handi-capped fishing pier, near the marina, in late evening and at night (toothy little devils) on nighcrawlers (no accounting for taste). Evening and night fishing is also good opposite the pier near the water outlet. I haven't to Cherry Creek in several weeks so that's the best information I have at this time.
try leaches too . i've fished a river here for 4 or 5 years and never got a eye out of it . first time i poped on a leach i started nailing them one after another .

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