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lindon boat harbor fri. night through sat am.
My cousin, cowboyfisherman and I found out that we could use trotlines at utah lake so we built one of the most beautifull and ingenious trot lines I have seen(I will try and post pics later). Anyway he bought a license and we headed out for some night fishing. we set the trot line and then started fishing for channels before sleeping for the night. The action was definitely not fast. In the Am we headed out to pick up our trot line. We only had 2 fish on it, A white bass and a mudcat, but there had been something awfully big on there, because it had broken off the 30lb test fireline that I had used for the lines coming off the cable. After pulling in the trot lines we had another hour or two to kill before we had to go home so we fished for walleye and white bass. I finally hooked into what I thought was a huge channel cat, but turned out to be a walleye a little over 28" that bottomed out my 8lb scales. I am guessing around 9 possibly 10 lbs. Normally those fish go back to live another day, but I was headed out to my dads for his birthday on sunday and he has been dying to try walleye and since I had to head for work I knew this one was my last chance so I kept it. He loved the fish by the way and really enjoyed it as a b-day present along with all my brothers and sisters. ,
Nice Walleye. I haven't pulled an all nighter @ Utah Lake before. Looks good. May have to give it a whirl before snow hits the valley.

yea he got a little teary eyed. The funniest was my younger sister when she figured it out, she shot screaming across the room and hugged my wife. She has been wanting to be an aunt something awfull.
So your expecting a little one aye? Congrats. Kids are awesome.

I have decided to shape my 5 year old daughter into my new fishing partner and let my wife have this upcoming one to herself. Gotta get to em early. Smile
as far as fishing goes my wife know I have this ability to corrupt even the most innocent child or adult into my fishing addiction. I don't corrupt all of them, but there are many who can say I was the one who got them into or back into fishing. I won't force any of my kids into it, but I will try on all of them. This one will be my first.
Nice 'eye an all nighter sounds fun, i like the way you did it to, set the lines and go to bed. Oh and congrats on the future fisherperson
[cool]Hey congrats on the kid and the whopper of a Walleye, there Jed! I've got a little 5 month old, and she's my little princess. She's also my future fishin' buddy, but she doesn't know that yet. I'll be getting her a little Barbie or Scooby Doo fishin set up in a year or so.

So, what did you catch Mr. Wally on, Jed? Was it a tubedude type jig, or something with a little plastic on it? Do tell[Wink]
Very nice eye Jed. And congrats on the announcement! Kids are great (most of the time), and I'm sure you'll enjoy a new fishin' buddy.
Ah, my young padawan. If you really want to corrupt them, send them and a hefty checkbook to your Master.
I don't know jedimaster you are the one with the new boat. I am guessing you are the one with the money. Remember I have the little one on the way, I will be poor all too soon,
Hey Jed Congratulations on the soon to be little one!! That's so exciting! My first son is now over 2 months old -- just got immunized yesterday the poor guy. Can't wait till next summer when I can introduce him to some perch or bluegill or something!
Thanks. All these comments make me worry a little less. I am looking forward to being a dad and taking my kids fishing,
Just don't expect your wife to have a baby the size of that walleye! Nice fish.

Congrats on all accounts!
I sure hope not. My wife is tiny and that would be one big baby,
6-7lbs is big enough for most people. Enjoy the fishing time now!

It can be fun to take the kiddies fishing, but it needs to be as fast of fishing as possible. They get bored pretty quick. It is fun to see their eyes light up when they have one on.
Our Jacob was 7 lbs 3 oz. Not too big not too small. Now he weighs 12 lbs. 9 oz. He's gettin big fast! He's in the 95th percentile in height!
jed i think your going to have an 11 pounder, your wife will be so big you'll have to roll her out the door[Tongue]
don't curse me petty, I don't think my poor wife could handle it!
what did you get the eye on? i reallly want to catch a nice walleye like that! it would be so awsome. i caught one at deer creek that was about 6lbs but that is it! also what kind of bait did you use on the trot line?

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