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every angler should have a gaft when ice fishing?
any one ever have a use for a gaft other than pulling a fish through a hole in the ice?
No, I have not.
Nope, in fact, the use of a gaft is illegal in this area
Wow! where are you fishing these days? (general location)
I always have my gaff readily available in case, heaven forbid, I decide to take an early swim. I do have pegs on idiot strings also but the gaff I have telescopes out for extra distance.

I also always have my gaff just in case the most unbelievable eye decides that my offering is so tempting that he goes for it, with all 12 lbs. of muscle, might and fury. I will need it to get him out of the hole. Wishful thinking yes, but I'm still hoping.
[cool]coldfooter fishes in the same State as me (Utah). It sucks that they don't let us use those things, because there's a few lakes around here where you'd need one (Strawberry, Flaming Gorge, and Bear Lake for huge trout, and Utah Lake for big Walleye).
ouch, that is rough...

I have gone out with out mine more times than I want to admit and have the battle scars to prove it.

I dont know what I would have done if my pike were any bigger that 25-30 inches, well ya I do, I would have more and bigger battle scars [shocked]
A gaft is worthless for me. The only fish I keep would die any way.

Okay answer me this. If your fishing a lake with a slot how can you release a fish that's got a big hole in it's side?

the proper way to use a gaft is to place the larg hook that in many cases are so blunt you couldnt poke a hole in butter inder the gill plate and pull them up through the ice hole. Its pretty hard to pull a 25 inch walleye or 4 foot musky or sturgeon through a 8 inch hole side ways [laugh]

there is no real need to kill the fish with a gaft to bring it in.

we have fish in michigan with slot limits and yes we do have to take great care of how we handle them. depending on the fish in question we could end up with a fine from $500 to a grand for killing a protected fish...

It is realy up to the sportsman to learn the whats and how to's. I understand how some states say well we cant trust our anglers to use thier tools properly so we will just have to ban the use of a particular tool.

Our anglers here in michigan have to be even more vigulant in their attempts to target their slot limit sized fish cause this state also allows spearing of different species on most all of it lakes.
How do you measure a fish in motion that you haven't speared yet? Kind of odd to allow spearing of a fish if there's a slot limit on it.
That it dose....

But since you are new to ice fishing I imagine you are spearing virgin.

Spearing dose present its chalanges. I am not much of a spearer my self tho' I have set in on the action.

most folks will be targeting waters from 4-8 feet deap. there are those who go as far as to dress the bottom of the lake. there are several ways of getting a close estamate to the fish you are targeting. dropping three pike lures down marking minimum and maximum lenths you can get an easy measurement. and if it is to close to tell then you enjoy watching the fish untill another one comes in, much the same as deer hunting....
Ahhh, got it.

I have no desire to go spearing since I'm all C&R anyway. Just curious.

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