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AARRG!!!! Its Ground Hog Day!!!
Man your flash lights!!!

tomarow morning go out side and shove a light flash light right down that ground hog's hole!!!

Make sure that hog sees his shadow!!!!

we dont want no early spring!!! we already had a late winter...

I want ice till at least ST Patrics day.... havent made it the last several years....

come april 1st it can get worm and stay worm so I can get my tomatoes in....
[Smile][Smile][Smile]He should see his shodow here with no problem only been on the ice twice so far with little success but will double that this week Lake george tomarrow morning and Crooked Lake on Saturaday.
If he doesn't is there a recipe for groundhog stew?
He seen it here!! Bring on more ice!!
Fat chance of that with the temps we're getting[mad]
ground hog is pretty taisty any way you want to serve him up!

stue soup frickisied breaded and fied and barbiqued[Tongue]
from the looks of it from my house with next weeks forcast, temps near fifty and rain.

It's starting to look a lot like Pucx Phill Soup!!!!
[Tongue] Don't matter here , we have enough ice to fish ,at least to the beggining of April !!! Ice fishing on Easter , Oh Ya !!!!!!!!! [cool] .
I should be fishing for suckers by then, we wont have have enuf ice to chill a glass of soda.
The little fuzzy dude saw his shadow here for sure. That means we only have 6 more weeks of Rock Fish closures. Yeeeeeehaw. (we don't get ice over here in So Cal so they just shut us down on certain species)
Well, supposedly Pucxatauny Phil saw his shadow. But he didn't see it here! It was cloudy that day. Grrr. At least it's going to get back to normal temps next week. This 45° plus weather is insane. I was ready to grab my open-water gear and head out to the lake!
to be honest I dont mind a couple 75 degree days in the middle of the winter, just so long as I have 2 feet of ice.....
He saw his shadow at my house too, I turned on the flood lights to make sure of that!!!!

we did have plenty of sunshine, and the temps stayed well below what the weatherman said it was, about 15-20 degrees colder by my thermomiter.

it did finaly hit 35 degrees today, but it didnt hit that high untill after sundown....
Hit 50 today and aiming for that again tomorrow. Some parts of MN are expecting almost 60 tomorrow. So it's on it's way to you! [Tongue] We have about 2 feet of ice here so no worries yet. Sure wish you could come visit and fish for a weekend.
We went from torrential rains to 85 - 90 degrees. That's why they say here: "If you don't like the weather in So Cal,...............just wait 5 minutes." LOL
just as soon as I hit the lottery I will be there...

its about a 2 day drive one way.... either up and down or down and up,,, Lake Michigan just dosnt get stiff enuff to drive across [Tongue]
LOL. Take the Ferry across. I know about them long drives. I made a drive to Oregon and back a few years ago. Didn't do any fishing. Wish I would have. There were fish jumping in the river and a sturgeon guide just 3 blocks from the motel I stayed in. Unfortunately my carnal side got ahold of me and I spent all my money at the strip pizza place next door to the motel.

Anyway, let me know when you get your pond going in Tennessee or whereever it is you're going. I'll help ya fish it. [Wink]
your on! [cool]

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