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Recipe Request
[size 1]If there is a special recipe that you would like to have, please use this thread to request it. I will be glad to get you the recipe that you need. Let me know as well if you like spicy, medium or milder foods.

I may even be able to help those whom are looking for lower sodium, sugar free and lower fat recipes[cool][/size]
The wife bought some Ahi steaks last night. She loves blackened fish. Any recipes for blackened Ahi? If there is such a thing...
I just happened to have a few at hand. Take a look at the Ahi thread.[cool]
It turned out absolutely delicious steve! Thanks again pal..
You are most welcome.[cool]
I've been dabbling with homemade sushi. I've pretty much got the salmon recipes taken care of. I'd like to see what other fish people like to use. Keep in mind, I live in Utah and good fresh fish can be somewhat tough to come by. I see tuna, slamon and snapper in the supermarket on a regular basis. Maybe a spicey tuna or something? Thanks in advance for the ideas..[cool]
How about sharing your Sushi recipe with us I love sushi but have no Idea how to prepare it also if anyone knows the difference between sushi and sashimi could you please explain I just go to the sushi restaurant and point my finger at the menu and the waiter brings it but I would like to know how its done. I have started a Special Thread just for Sushi so please fee free to post ypu recipes there
I'm certainly no expert but I will share with you what i know. Sashimi is raw fish served by itself, no rice or seaweed and generally comes with 3-5 pieces. Nigiri is a single piece of fish served on rice (bite sized) and may have a small band of seaweed. I'll get some of my salmon recipes when I get a chance. Making your own sushi is more time consuming and less costly than the restaurants.
Some of my favorites are the Ebi(Shrimp), Tako (Octopus) and Ika (squid).

I too am a sushi chef. I make lots of sushi at home. It just takes practice to get it right. After that, you can go in and give pointers to some of the younger sushi chefs in the restaurants.

I will post some definitions on the sushi thread.[cool]
When I was in Hawaii in Feb. I ate Tako everyday. They sold it cooked, sliced and marinated in soy and either green onions or seaweed, and the occasional sesame seed. Do you have any "how to" recipes for preparing octopus this way? Also, I was looking to try out some different batter for my deep fried calamari. Wouldn't happen to have any calamari batter recipes laying around would ya? Thanks iin advance for the help, pal...
Thanks for the request. I brought the batter recipe thread back up to the top. There are several good batter recipes in it that are both suitable and recommended for Calamari.

We have another thread for Sushi and Sashimi. I am still building the rest of my data base for that one and should have some recipes shortly.[cool]
2 lbs Octopus
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup Laver (seasoned seaweed) prepared
3 tbsp Pickled Ginger
2 tsp Wasabi

Steam Octopus for @ 20 minutes after water starts boiling.

After steaming allow Octopus to cool. Then slice into 1/4 inch slices with a very sharp knife.

Baste the slice of Octopus for 3-5 minutes in soy sauce.

Arrange Octopus over a bed of sticky rice, place a dallop of Seasoned Laver, 1/2 tsp wasabi, and 1 tbsp of pickled ginger on the side.

[cool]Nice! Can't wait to try this one out.
The seasoned Laver and sticky rice are available at most of your Oriental markets. For an added touch, put a few drops of liquied smoke in the soy sauce. It brings out a really nice smoked flavor in the Octopus.[cool]
Actually there is a thread just for Bluegill, Perch and Crappie. They are all interchangeable so you can use any or all of them on Perch.[cool]

Don't forget to register too. There is a link at the bottom of my post.[Smile]
TubeN2, I am looking for a recipe that Tube Dude does called Shore Lunch. I think that he uses panfish for the recipe but I was thinking about some Wipers for it. I really like wipers for fish tacos but I try not to eat fried very often (although there are damn good!). Thanks for the help man!

I know there are many ways but how would ya cook a spicy catfish on the grill or smoker[cool]
I want to go Dubai Desert Safari? So tell me some good recipes? [fishon]

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