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should fishing spots be posted on the web (survey)
There is a big controversy here in New Jersey over posting fishing spots it haseven been given a name "SPOT BURNING" . There are major arguements on local sites over this and the locals in the Jersey shore area think that they own the area and are the most adement about this myself I have no problem sharing any info that I have that could help another fisherman or beginer out hey thats how I got my start by someone sharing their info with me and I feel it should be passed on but some people feel that if it is publised on a web report that the next day there will be 1000's of people in that spot I have never found that to be true I have however seen locals crowding the spots laying out as many as five rods each to take up space and keep others from fishing it has become quite a hot topic here and in some cases has become physical there has been reports offights breaking out on the beaches and docks is this a problem anywhere else or just a Jersey thing
I don't see anything wrong with sharing general areas. There really isn't 1 single spot that the fish would only hang out there.

Over here in Cali, there are books published with GPS coordinates. What secret spot? It's all fair game.

As far as the multi rods go that's where I draw the line. I have encountered many times, persons with up to 7 rods each and fishing with a buddy with a similar setup.

After asking for room to fish from a small dock, the other guy told me to go fly a kite in the best broken English that he could mumble.

I called the Fish and Game. They were there in no time. It turned out that these guys didn't even have licenses let alone purchased a second rod stamp.

They were fined and donated all of their tackle just for ignorance.

There is nothing wrong with sharing a spot. The catch is........Please Share![cool]
I agree the problem is you are allowed up to 5 rods here and there is no saltwater license required in Jersey only fresh and the problem is mainly on the saltwater side maybe a good reason to consider a saltwater license I always share anything I can that will help another angler out its just common courtesy and sportsman like in my opinion
Here in Ct., opening day seems to be the only tense time to be out.Thats the one day I stay home now. Weather its putting the boat in or getting a spot on a bank it's a mad hose. After the heros had their day, We seem to have enough water for everyone after that day. I allways share info with peaple that ask. Like Hutch00 said it's how we learned. CT. is a two rod limit, so we don't have the problem of a person with 5-6 rods setup. The local web sight here has reports from all over the state and most peaple here don't have a problem posting what was caught, just no specifics. Maybe you should move north Arch?
If someone ask I tell then where how and with what. Tomorrow it might be me who's asking. It seems to me that these greedy people also have no regard for the laws and limits either that may be why they don't want anyone else around. We have a two pole limit in Kansas but i see people fishing with 3,4 0r 5 poles and if you watch them they keep undersized fish and more than the limit. What are you to do it's not worth an altercation for me when i have my family with me.
Yo Hutch! "Saltwater Fishing License" Those are the three dirtiest words known. What we need is a 2 stationary pole limit and one for plugging in between. A limit on the distance would be nice too. On our beach it ain't the locals with 10 poles 50' apart, it's the weekend warriors. I love watching them run from pole to pole and never get there in time. (Always pray for a bluefish blitz when I see this too) As far as giving away the spots, little known fact here, Fish Swim. Todays hot spot is tomorrows dregs. [crazy]
Hey Homer Welcome glad you decided to take a walk on the wild side I agree we don't really need a license but the # of rods should be limited and I have seen the locals at the dock in toms river spread out with a bunch of rods trying to take up the whole dock
and also over by M&M dock in the Seaside Park and pelican Island bridge both sides jamming it all up so nobody can get a spot the beach it may be the weekend warriors I don't know I don't go there on weekends because of the crowds but have been there in seaside park on weekdays and the locals that were on the beach were not so friendly and as soon as I set up and set my stationary pole there they would come casting at an angle right at my line and yes I am sure they were locals
I am not in the pratice of devulging spicific locations on the web nor do I beleive it to be a good pratice.

general locations and areas of widely public use will get most any one where they can get a fish.

I agree that you will prabably not run in to hoards of anglers if an area is aired, the fact of the matter is that if it is wet then some one will fish the area eventualy regardless if it is publisized or not. and if they catch a fish they will eventualy tell some one else.

what we do know is that the fish dont bite every day and do move from structure to structure to follow bait fish so if a hundred anglers show up one day and catch nothing there will be a hundred anglers who will say there is no fish there worth fishing for....[Tongue] seen it a hundred times my self.
[font "Verdana"][black]Seems like most people have their favorite spots to fish. If you tell the whole world exactly where your spot is, they just may all show up. If you give information in general terms then people benefit from sharing knowledge and ideas. That is one thing I enjoy about this forum. Anyone who gives up the location of their secret honey hole is just asking for crowds. Besides, the crowds already know where all the easy access is anyway.[/black][/font]
Hi there,

Same old deal where it's the commercials vs the indivisuals interest.

When you've got guys running around in a speed boat IDing sportboats and getting a GPS location where they've set to fish I find that cause for a fight ! Little bit of a contraversy here with one guy who's fished 25 years has published his numbers. So happens the sporties use those locations for thier livelyhood.

I see no problem with giving out info for general areas, as TubeN2 said. Problem occurs when some idiots who know nothing decide to invade em masse, use surfrods for trout, and disregard laws and common courtesy! Three guys with surfrods and take-over a good section of lake or pond shore.

Seen it happen at some of the park lakes.

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][cool][/size][/green][/font][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hey there JR - let me know if you need my help. Will bring out the boat that will scare the living H out of them.[Tongue][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center]
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