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south fork
has anyone been on the south fork snake recently? I'm thinking about going after some browns.
Welcome aboard IdahoDan.[cool]
I posted this over on my message boards at

[url ""][/url]

Well, I guess one has to report on a fishing trip even when the fish win! Fished the South Fork of the Snake today with Spook just down from PaliSades Dam. We fished up one side of the river and then down the other side to the boat dock at PaliSades Creek,

Fished Rapalas, both floating and countdown models, in areas reccommended by Fish & Game officers for some good chances at some Rainbows. Spook fished with Rapala's also. When that didn't wok tried Panther Martin spinners. Cast some Rooster Tails at them too! Tried some other odds and ends from the tackle bag. Nothing!!

What a "Bummer"! It was a nice day to be on the river. Did see a Bald Eagle in majestic flight soaring towards the top of a nearby tree overlooking the river. Talked with other anglers on the river who didn't seem to be having much luck either.

What a "Bummer". Hope this hatch doesn't last too long if you know what I mean.
I have not fished the South Fork in a while but welcome to the board.


Welcome to BFT!
I hope you come back often. The more people we have posting on this message board the better it can become.

I haven't fished the South Fork recently but have a friend that has "wacked" a number of rainbows in Swan Valley over the last month. He spends a lot of time fishing the South Fork so most haven't been doing as well as he has. I would be surprised if the cfs below PaliSades double sometime during the next week. Here's a link with up to date info about the river levels below PaliSades.
[url ""][/url]
From what the F&G have said they plan on doing the flush again this year for the rainbows.
With more than 100,000 cubic acres until it is full American Falls could easily handle the extra water. The cfs coming out of American Falls will also be increasing soon as the irrigation demands downstream of there begin to increase. The cfs coming out of American Falls has been exremely low during the last month because the farmers haven't needed much irrigation because of all the rain we have had lately.

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