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Roughly six months
till ice on. Just thought I'd stir the pot[cool].
Yep!, I just picked up a sled a couple days ago, [Smile]
I am trying to finnagal my way to an auction next weekend, a departed ice fisherman has left a pile of stuff to be auctioned off.....

hate to get stuff that way, but one day some one will be doing the same with my stuff I figure...

best that it goes to some one who will put it to work....
I can't wait! Let's start filling the lakes with ice cubes.
Mateo.. Yes but, we're over the hump and counting down daily!![cool]

3M.. But are ya going to use it for fishin' or sittin' in?
Dave I'm sure the feller would like knowing it will be put to use by an ice fisherman. [Wink]

DR.. Forget the ice cubes, lets use dry ice!![laugh]

Some folks just dont realize what their missing by not standing on ice to fish.. Like, numbing toes and fingers, and, frosty stashes.. Man I miss that stuff![unsure]
well if I work It right I will be using it to fish with & to be sitting in, [laugh]

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