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Willard 7/2/05
Made it out to Willard this morning, and launched amongst the crowd. We trolled from the south marina to the feedlot without a bite. After teh wife started complaining that I promised her a fish, we headed for the south dike, where she hooked and landed a 21" walleye, and a 25 horse trolling motor. She's blaming the trolling motor on me though.

After that we fiddle farted around a while, and went back toward the feedlot. She hooked and landed a smallish wiper, and claimed to have many more hits, none of which were witnessed by anyone, so they don't count.

I caught 2 small wipers. The "hot" lures today were the cheapo walmart "arkansas shad", and the white/black prism shad. I heard from Petty, who was busy looking for someone named "wilson", and I don't know how he did.

I think the best part of the day was getting through to the dictator, um director, um wife, that we need a boat. Now all I have to do is convince her that we should wait till next year[pirate].

OH well, good day, and the crowds and bugs were manageable.
[Wink] This is Mrs. Mateo, and he is just jealous, that once again, I out fished him. In fact my second catch, was one where I was laying down, working a snooze and got a great bite. I, of course, sprung into action, and landed, oh yet again, an even bigger fish than he had caught. So yes he may refer to me as the dictator, director, then wife but it is only because, with out fail, once again I out fished him.[sly]
well at least you got into them today i hope tomarrow your catching is better i hope you out do what you and i did i am hitting utah lake tomarrow
Nice catching Jennefener. Next year you should enter the wiper contest if you can find another wiper fisherperson who you can team up with.

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