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Yuba 10/20 thursday
Well it was a nice day and i have to work saturday and with hurricane Wilma heading towards miami were i used to live and all my family lives i needed to releive some stress! [Tongue] So we went to yuba.I had 2 hits the first 15 minutes i was there but someone sabotaged my reel! [pirate] Samantha was using it earlier while i got the other rods ready and she messsed with my drag.Never mess with a mans drag if you know what i mean.So after the second fish got away i checked it anfd it was looser than what i had it set on.Well i finally did manage to hookup with a nice bow.Then about 30 minutes later another big bow came a calling.Man it was so nice out there and the troutskis were in ffull feeding mode.One even skyrocketed out of the water man was that beautiful! Havent seen a fish jump like that since the last kingfish run in miami.Even lisa managed to hook into one but again someone messed with the drag and she tried to horse him in and guess who won that fight! These bows put up such an awesome fight.I dont know what it is about bows in yuba but they fight stronger than any other trouts that i have caught from fish lake,scofield and the berry!Gonna fish yuba stonite and sat evening and sunday .Its gonna be great weather so i am gonna take advantage of it .
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Hey nice report. Looks like you got yourself a couple nice fat bows there. Way to go. Maybe I will make the trip down to yuba sometime in the next couple weeks.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Those rainbows remind me of the ones that we caught out of Otter Creek when I was a teenager.
Sweet Report . Now you are seeing why I prefer the bows over cutts . They sure fight hard .
hey ocean my buddy said he seen you there today.. you cought another pike? way to hit it dude..
nice bow.. my boy wants me to take him there when i get back..
i just might have to do that..
great report dude..
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Hey Ocean, you didn't say anything about another pike. Now I really have to go there.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
My daughter sam caught the pike.It was about 18 inches too bad it swallowed the lure too deep.I tried saving it but it had it way down its throat .But it did get its revenge while i tried taking the lure out it got my thumb and wouldnt let go!! Your friend was probably the one fishing acroos from me and he did get a nice bow if that was him.The bows have been feeding heavily lately.The one i caught regugitated about 2 dozen minnows.
yeah that was him.. he said he was on the other side of the spillway from you.. and he did say he did get a nice bow there..
i've been telling him to get there and give it a try for a long time but he kept say that there was no fish in there.. lol
well now he knows!!
Hey Ron you need to tell him an i told you so!!!!![Tongue] He was so exited when he caught that bow. It was a pretty good size too. I bet that fish made his day.You need to get out there wheb you get back.Last year i was catching like crazy in november when the water got very cold so the fishing is only gonna get better as time goes by.

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