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Bear Lake 10-21-05
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"]Last minute decision to make the long drive to Bear Lake. Took my nephew's son Mat. We launched at about 3:00 PM. We figured we would do some jigging uttil it got dark and then try floating a white lead head fly under a bobber over at the marina.

We first checked out the rock pile with no success. We found a nice stack of big marks at about 34 feet but when I went back to try for them I could no longer find them. Didn't see anyone else catch anything around the pile.

About an hour before sundown we decided to make a run over to the east side. Once there we started marking consistant nice marks at about 55-60 feet. We anchored up with only about 20 minutes of light left. We both started getting some substatial bites but we were only able to get one in the boat before dark.

[inline Decent-mack-400.jpg]

We headed towards the marina in the dark. When we got back to the marina rocks, there were already about 20 people fishing the spawn. We anchored up and tried our "fly under a bobber" technique ... Nada. After an hour of nothing, we decided to call it a day. On our way in under the lights we didn't see anyone catch anything. We did see two guys suddenly rapidly jerking their rods left and right. I assumed they were trying to snag a mack coming through. Water surface temp was about 54 degrees. [/font][/size]
Any time on Bear Lake is worth while. Congrats on the nice fish. I am half tempted to leave my rod at home and just take a video camera to film people snagging up there. Maybe that will be enough evidence. Fish don't have a chance. Jake
Hey Ralph, wish I could have gone with you. Feeling a lot better now, will have the new rods Monday. How heavy was that mack in the picture? Look like the East side may be the ticket this year. But will probably change later.

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]It was another fine fall day on the lake yesterday. Petty and I got to the marina in the dark and had to use the navigation lights on the boat to be legal for the run down to the rock pile. We got there and cruised around checking the situation out on the rock pile. Yes, the macks are in there. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]We fished over the rock pile about 5 hours until the breezes came up and boat control became a real pain in the butt. We ended up with 2 small macks for our effort but I did miss several hard, quick hits that should of produced fish. OK, I suck but it was still fun. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]We then decide to go check out the new rock piles that BLFG and the DWR with the help of the State Parks Dept set up. They are just north of the state park marina in 30 ft of water with buoys on them. The Wiper Boys, who were fishing the rockpile area also made the run up just ahead of us, were also checking out the location. WH2 was shooting GPS points over the top of the piles in hopes of finding them for the ice season.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Since it was still fairly early and we all wanted to fish, both boats decided to go out in front of the state park marina in about 70 feet of water. We anchored up fairly close to each other and caught cutthroat and had a good BS session. Between both boat we probably caught 6-7 cutts for the next two hours, one a really nice fish about 4-1/2 pounds. Here's a pic of the fish. Too bad the flash on my camera washed out all the beautiful coloration this fish had.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The mack fishing is tough right now with the spawn going on but the cutthroat action is good and lively. Heres a tip to try. Instead of using the typical tube when chasing those cutts, try a jerkbait instead and see if it makes a difference. The cutts seem to love'm.[/size][/black][/font] [center][inline BeautifulFishUglyGuy.JPG][/center]
Nothing seems to put a bigger Smile on a guys face than catching a mack, I guess it is the hard work you guys put in to catching them. I may just have to go up there tomarrow and give it a shot. Thanks for the reports guys! A pontoon boat off the east side might be fun!
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Nice cut there Petty ...[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]As we were leaving the marina around 3:00 in the afternoon, I think I seen you guys out about a mile. I wanted to motor over and say hi but daylight was a burni'n.[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]This is turning out to be a nice indian summer. I keep wondering if the lake will freeze over this year or not.[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Dan, I'm headed down to Cabelle's right now for the first time. I'll be picking me up a new rod too![/black][/font][/size]
Nice Smile,Jason!! Idahonative and I stayed out on the pile about an hour and a half after you guys headed north and tried some trolling Idnative did hook a 9# Mack in 45 ft. of water just west of the pile on a silver crankbait! 1 fish in 8 hours,we have done worse!! Good 2 see all you guys again !last time I fished the big blue pond was Nov.of 03 with BLM &IFG!! that was way 2 long ago!! I had 1 good hook up but not paying attention didnt no it was a fish till it was to late,I donated so many jigs to the rocks though it was just another!!Nice day on the pond with good company!!M.H.
I went out again today MH. The three of us only caught one guppie each. On the way into the marina I met a friend of mine from Soda Springs. They fished the east side and caught a 21# mack. I know it for a fact because they used my scales. They also caught a #9 cutt somewhere around the rockpile. They did not keep the cutt. I tried to download the pics of the one i caught yesterday and of the 21 pounder but they did not go thru. Maybe i did something wrong. I dont even know how this turned to the slanted print or how to correct
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]E-mail me the pics and I'll get them posted for you! 21#. Nice fish for BL![/size][/black][/font]
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I did not know that was you yesterday IdahoNative you should have said something. At least I can put a face to the name now. Did your friend give you any info about how he caught that big mac?
Yes MH should have introduced us. Oh well next time we see each other we will know. All I know is they caught it in 70 feet of water on the east side right on the bottom. I am going to call my friend and find more info of where they were when they caught the cutt.
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"][black]IdahoNative,[/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]You said that they did not keep the cut. Just curious ... what did they do with the mack?[/black][/font][/size]
I dont know what they will do with it for sure. I will find out soon though. These 2 guys havent fished BL since April. They are more into the bass and walleye fishing. Dont know what to think about that. They probably wont be out again until next year too. Just the way the luck goes i guess.
Hey Max hows it going? I have the same question as old coot. what did they do to the Mack. If they are going to wall mount it great. If it is kept purely for bragging rights thats BS.[mad] I also wish the fish cops were watching the marina a little better. Me and Chris went out last tuesday and there was definanly snagging going on in the morning and late evening when we loaded up. By the way we only caught 4 macks the largest being 9 pounds. All were photoed and released.
Yes I agree with you Jeff. I am going to Montpelier tomorrow I will probably stop by. Once BLM post the pics for me you will know who they are.
My bad on not introducing you guys!! I am getting old and forgetfull in my old age!! I will make it up next time!M.H.
FishingPro40 and I tried our luck at bear lake today (Saturday). The water was smooth all day, hardly a breeze to speak of. Started out at the rock pile at first light. Caught 1 small mack and lost another after I got it half way up,it felt like a good one. Headed over to the east side for a couple hours and spoted a few fish in 70' water but could not get them to hit. Headed back over to the rock pile to finish out the day and had 1 other strike but missed it. Right before sunset we spoted a Utah State University Research Team that ran out of gas at the rock pile so we towed them from the rock pile all the way to the boat ramp,it was like towing a tank. That makes two weeks in a row we towed a boat that ran out of gas. They gave us 4 GPS corr. to the new rock piles for our effort, I thought there where only 3 new rock piles not 4. Any one know what the 4th point whould be?
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"]Mike,

Good to see you got up there and hooked up a bit.

A few weeks ago I was out on willard and towed in a boat 3 times the size of mine. Once I gave it full throtle, I heard a loud "pop". Come to find out, I put a crack in the top of my transome. Looks like I'm going to have to beg SpiderWelder for a favor. But the folks in the boat sure were happy for the help ... As will I be someday when I get stranded (again). [/font][/size]
BLM was saying the catching will be slow at BL for at least three weeks until the spawn is over. You sure have to put a lot of time in during the spawn to catch a big one, unless you get lucky that is. Yes, there are four new Rock Piles, North of the marina, we marked them on Friday, at the moment there are still markers on them. When we talked to BearLakeFishGuy two Fridays ago he also said they were making four new RPs.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Heres your pics:[/size][/black][/font]
[center] [inline 21lbBLMack_1.jpg][/center] [center] [/center] [center][inline 21lbBLMack_2.jpg][/center]

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