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town bought up
Bridgeville California has sold today on ebay for 1.7+ million dollars.

Unanimous buyer in southern California has no comment as to what he is going to do with the town that resides in the heart of red wood country
[shocked]WOW,and to Think?I've seen more than "My" share of "Marine Vessels" that Cost More!!!!!E-Gads,you Can Be Mayor, And Get voters,And IMPEACH GRAY DAVIS !!!![sly][sly][sly]
yep you can count on 100% of the 20 registered voters in that town voting your way[cool]
I live up in that area (Humbildt County)and have been through there many times.

There isn't much there, oak, pine, a few Redwoods and a lot of poison oak...oh yeah dope growers.

The road sucks (Hy 36) looks like a maleria germ on the map and is always closing in the winter due to slides, floods or snow and the state works on it all summer repairing the winter damages.

Not much to dump 1.7 on in my opinion, the former owners are laughing all the way to the bank and have already packed and are buying a house in Fortuna.

Of course it would be a great place to open a garden center, one could specialize in drip irrigation, generators and compost that stuff really moves during the "gardening" season up there.
[center][sly] sounds laike a great place to start up a dental floss plantation [sly][/center] [left]with 36 square miles It sounds like heven to me. to bad I did not hit that 314 million the other day, I could have not only bought the town I could have paved the streets with gold.[/left]
Did you realize that the guy that hit that 314+ mill lives less than 65 miles from me? I keep thinking of taking a drive to talk to him.

Hey davetclown,

If all anglers contributed the money we spend on licenses and average expenses for fishing a year, do you think we could collectively BUY a county, harbor, beach, island in california and manage it 1,000 times better than...... we know who!

Just the usual off-the-wall idea,

I dont know of any normal person who could go with out fishing for a whole year with out going bonkers.

but ya it is a good idea, only one problem there aint a pond big enough for all of us to get on.
no matter what he says on tv you can bet that he aint going to be there. He has gone in to hiding. Because he is now a mark for every philanthriper in the nation.

and that includes the save the enron foundation lol
I truly think your idea would generate enough cash to buy the whole state of California! I know the price is high but when you put all that is spent by anglers in a given year it would leave cash in the bank after the purchas. Of course with that many property owners, the deed to agnolage all the owners when put on one page of paper it would be at least twice the length of the California Coastline.
It "IS" a NOT, a Understatement.30 minutes to the Pacific Ocean.40 minutes east Prime California Redwoods,and freshwater rivers to boot!!1.7 was a steal,to imagine a "Filibuster" to cash in on,soon...Today for the first time,"I" paid $3.00 U.S.D to take a short cut in my own State's Highway Freeway system.I was in line for a brief moment,and looked around and basicly estimated 60 cars #..$3.00 per car? Someone in this state "ALLWAYS" has plans for LAND,and creating homes that you need your to pay a fee to go home.

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