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You too could have ice fished Scofield today
I think Billy (Tincanfsh) and I were the first to ice fish Scofield this ice season! Sorry Fuzzyfisher, I know you wanted that honor. The ice was about 1 1/2 inches thick. The fishing was great, had we caught one more fish we would have caught one. Hard to catch them though when you don't get any bites.

Here is Billy:

[inline "Billy Scofield.JPG"]

And yours truly:

[inline "Kent Scofield.JPG"]
Awesome!!!! Can't wait to get on, too bad can't go til sat.!!!
Did you guys move around? How deep was the water you were fishing in? Did you try it by the dam? How late did you stay? Kent we need answers man answers!!! lol
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]WTF!!! I thought fuzzy had the brass, but I guess you 2 have bigger pairs. 1 1/2 inches is just plain ludicrous! [/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Way to go, guys! I haven't seen any hypothermia patients for a while here at the hospital. At 1.5" you were a great possibility!! Just kidding!
The place where you were fishing looks really familiar from the pictures.[Wink] I've fished similar places at almost every lake I've ice fished!!!
Kent, I didn't know you where such a dare devil. Next weekend I hope to get out on the ice again.
you guys are just plain nuts, and big ones at that
congrats on being the first on scofield.
to bad you didn't get any bites.
We were in no danger -- we were standing on the docks on the boat ramp on the North Utah State Park![Smile] There was ice on Scofield on the south end for about 2/3 of the way to the Island. There was ice close to the dam. The northern bay was mostly iced in. All ice looked way too thin to fish on unless you want to fish where we were. Stand on the dock and drill holes through the ice. BTW -- we fished in about 20 feet of water for about one hour in the early afternoon.
Sounds like an adventure...too bad you didn't get any fish. Looks kinda cold though.
What , No walking on the ice . I would of walked it at least on the way to the truck . LOL Looks like a nasty day to be on the ice . Thanks for the report .
there a diffirense in ice fishing it and dork fishing [Tongue].. you were not useing corndogs were you?

come on i dont care to much who fished it first.. i just want to fish it soon after it ices up becuse that one of the best times of the year to fish scofield.. after the first 2 week you can have it!!
Was I just called a dork (LOL)?
I had a nice nap.
Hey kent,

No I couldn't have - I was skiing in that stuff at somewhere between 9600 and 10000 feet. I had my own white out and blizzard and, I got to use 2 poles - So, I am not jealous one little bit !

Where's your entry on the Ice Fishing Challange Board ? You could at least have put down a tape measure so we could tell how big the fish would have been - if you had caught one.
I already have a tiger trout entered that is larger than the one I caught Saturday.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]You probably could fish it within the end of the week. Considering how cold it is in the valley.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I enjoyed the miserable conditions on Huntington too much to even go anywhere else ice fishing[cool] thanks for the report on Scofield, finally things are starting to harden up.

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