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Although I don't get to play much, I played today with my son.
The new Lord Of The Rings game is pretty awesome! Kickin some but with the sword! Took me about an hour and half to figure out how to kill that beast in the woods!
Anybody have some games they reccomend?
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The Heritic and Heritic II
for the computer.
long roll playing game.
may take you a month or two to get through it.
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ATV off road fury 2. An awesome game that can be played 2 player head to head. It has some fun games like tag and stuff. Me and my brother in law got addicted to it. Should be enjoyed by both you and your son!
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Yes that Road Fury to is awseome! Are you a boxing fan? The Knockout Kings 2000 is a lot of fun also, I heard there is a 2003 version out now, I'm looking forward to checking it out!
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Grand Theft Auto III, but not for kid's! I am not very good at it but it is fun to drive around like a mad man and show your road rage anyway you like!!!
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Grand Theft Auto III, but not for kid's! I am not very good at it but it is fun to drive around like a mad man and show your road rage anyway you like!!! [/reply]
LOL. An awesome game!! But, not for the kids or easily offended adults[sly]
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ATV OFF road 2 is cool, but Grand Theft Aut Vice City is all I play right now. There is too much to do in the game to ever finish. I get to play every other Saturday Night for about 4 hours.
The Madden 2003 Football game is pretty cool also. You can do more now on defense. Sucks the Raiders team isn't complete, but still cool to use.
I want to get the Star Wars game Bounty Hunter. I heard that is really cool. If anyone has played let me know.
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Hello All,
Yes GTA Vice City is an awesome game, but as you know Sean, with a 6 year old that loves shooting games I can't even keep it in my house (LOL).
I want to check out that Madden Football, I've heard It's pretty awesome! I'll have to get it and swing by and scholl you Sean!
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My 7 year old boy and my girlfriends 8 year old boy are having a blast with the Star Wars Bombad Racing. I bought Spiderman for my boy, but I'm the one having trouble putting it down. Neither of my kids are too impressed with the Disney Golf. If anyone knows of games for a 4 year old girl, please add your comments. My boys' birthday is coming up and he wants the Yu-Gi-Oh games for his advance and the PS2. If they are worth a mention, I'll chime back in.
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i heard there is a new game for xbox and ps2 that is top angler 2 nad a nother good game is MX superfly
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[  ]I'm surprised nobody suggested Metal Gear Solid 2 while maybe not for some kids its not as bad as the Grand Theft Auto Games (however they are great games) Also some more of the mature games that are good are Tenchu (the new one looks to be very good) and the Syphon filter series are all good but not for children unde 10 Madden NFL is one of the best football games out there.
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I am just a young kid in my early twenties, and it is rare for my breed to not be into and addicted to the little black box connected to the TV. I have hated video games and criticized my roommates for the time they would waste playing. Well that all changed 3 weeks ago. As a regular bar goer, i spend a chunk of change playing that stupid golf game Golden Tee. So my friends recommended i play Tiger Woods golf for PS 2. I took there advice, now i am a addicted PS 2 player, but saving alot of money by staying home and playing and not going to the bar. The game is addicting, and now we have fights at home for who gets to play next. Tiger Woods golf, my recommendation!!!
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Just call me a gamer, but here is a list of must haves for several systems:
Reel Fishing 1 and 2 [  ], Tony Hawk's pro skater 1-3, Cool Boarders 2-3, Crash Banidcoot 2-3, NBA street, Gran Turismo 1-3, EA Sports Deer Hunter Challenge, Cabela's Big Game Hunter 6, NBA live '98, Super Smash Bros. and SMB Melee, Sonic the Hedge Hog (any game associated with), Super Mario Bros. (any game associated with), Gain Grounds, Zelda (any game associated with), Battle Toads (any game associated with), Mega Man (any game associated with), Age of Empires (1, 2, mythology, and all other games like it), Warcraft 1-3, All omniscient view Red Alert or Command and Conquer Games, Heroes of Might and Magic 3-4, all SpongeBob Squarepants games, Doom 1-2, Descent 1-2, Trophy Bass 4, all Need for Speed games, Rayman, MLB 2000, James Bond Goldeneye, and lastly, Rampage 2. I have had lots of experience gaming, so if you want any more game reccomedations, PM. Not all of these are for the playstation, if you want a more full playstation list PM me. Also, keep in mind that all playstation games will work in the PS2, so don't fret if you have no fun games for PS2, because you can get old classic games. Emulators for Sega and Nintendo are great for the computer, and you can download hundreds off the internet.
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