02-13-2006, 06:15 AM
I went to the church of Provo Canyon today for a few hours. Best day I've had winter fly fishing this year so far. The strange thing about today is that I caught all rainbows. Landed 3 of them and had 3 rainbows and 1 brown get off. Now I know the specific area I fished has more rainbows in it than any other section of the LP, but the rainbows were the only ones that wanted to eat my sow pattern I was using. The browns wouldn't touch it, but the bows would move out of their way for it and hit it hard. I found a pod of browns and made several drifts over 3 different specific fish several times each and they just werent interested. Any one else experience this before? I thought it was a little strange.
The first fish I landed was an absolutely beautifull specimen. Football shaped, bright red stripe, heavy spotting. One of the finest provo bows I've ever landed.
The one brown I hooked I think took a 22 zebra I had dropped off the sow before I switched to a double sow rig.
The first fish I landed was an absolutely beautifull specimen. Football shaped, bright red stripe, heavy spotting. One of the finest provo bows I've ever landed.
The one brown I hooked I think took a 22 zebra I had dropped off the sow before I switched to a double sow rig.