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A funny thing happened to me on the way to??
[Wink][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Well I'll make this post a sticky. Care to share some of your funny, embarrassing, weird, stupid or what ever scenarios that happened to you in your pursuit of the wonderful world of fly-fishing.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][blue][size 3]One that comes to mind (one of thousands) is the day my ol' man and I decided to let our boos go play in the water. Got up to the river (45mins) and the ol' man realized, he forgot his reel. We took turns fishing mine, but it was tuff, he had just gotten his and had never used it. Of course, I was not going to put my reel on his rod, I didn't forget mine[Wink] I have bought him fishing gear bags, back packs, reel cases, etc and we have room to take plenty of gear so I thought there was no excuse for forgetting his reel. I can be da B&%$TCH![cool][/size][/blue][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Many years ago I decided to introduce my wife to an easy way of fishing and that was from a local pier. [She was not really an outdoor gal]. Her favorite outting was to go to Nordstroms. Well I baited her hook and cast out her line. While involved with setting up my rig she yelled that something was on her line. I told her to reel it in. She said it was too heavy. Don't be silly pull it in. Well she bent over the rail trying to hoist her catch up. Then she said cut the line. I said no way. Well the final tug did her in. She pulled a back muscle. Naturally she had to go to the doctor and needless to say never wet a line again. The was an expensive lesson. Oh she had lached onto a small sand shark. Her doctor bill would have easily paid for a new rod, reel and line. Go figure.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]Bless her soul for she is no longer with us.[/size][/#008000][/font]
About eight years ago I decided to pick up fly fishing. I had a fourteen year old KMart special I had received as a kid and off to the Uinta mountains I went. I had some flies I had been told about but no real idea how to fish them. Didn't know anything about fly fishing or that some flies go under the water like a Muddler Minnow. Was fishing a small lake where the stream came in for several days with limited success.

There was a beaver who wasn't too happy that I was there and would come up behind me or just in front of me and slap it's tail to let me know I wasn't welcome. Scared me to death every time as I never would see it coming.

On the third day I was fishing a Muddler Minnow as a dry fly when it just disappeared in a large splash. I knew I was in trouble as I knew that splash by now. I had hoped that maybe it had just hit my fly but as the line started running out I knew I wasn't that lucky. Sure enough the beaver came back up out in the lake and my line went straight into its mouth. The beaver was slapping at the line with its front paws but that fly wasn't going to go that easy. The beaver took off again out into the lake.

I was all but out of line and there was no way I was going to try and talk that beaver into holding still while I got my fly back. I just grabbed my line real tight and let the beaver break the line. It came up grabbing at it's mouth and then was gone again for the night. Must have been alright because next morning and for the last two days it was back to sneaking up on me and slapping its tail.

I have fished there every year since and the number of beavers have gone up but never had the sneak attacks again like I did the year of the beaver.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Nice story. What the heck could one do even if you could have pulled him into shore? A beaver is a wild animal with a nasty set of teeth.[/size][/green][/font]
Hi there Dryrod,

I too have caught my share of non-fishys. Caught a bat, turtle, American bullfrog and lastly a water/river snake. Boy was that snake hissed!

[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]Hi there JR how have you been? Hope that your health has been holding up. Sorry that you weren't able to make the fly show the other week. We could have broken a rod together. lol. When you get a chance say hi to my new partner - Flygoddess. She really know her stuff. Come back and visit a while. Have missed your humor around here.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Hi again Dryrod,

Hello there FlyGoddess. Welcome aboard the moderators boat ... er ... ops ... I forgot, a goddess isn't conveyed in a mere mortals boat but a barge of the grandness befitting an earthly Cleopatra.

Excellent that there's the voice of both genders on the board. I'm sure your casting magic is wand-er-fully effective on the fishys.

Have either of you been down to Bolsa Chika or Dog Beach after those little perchys recently. Pretty hot at present.

Going to work at the Fred Hall show in Del Mar and hope to hit some of the beaches I don't .... have never fished.

[url ";"][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]JapanRon[/size][/font][/url][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3] Thank you for you kind words. I always love reading your posts. Ya'll come back, ya hear[Wink][/size][/font]
Standing in the Provo last year, I just tied on a couple of Nymphs and attached a strike indicator. I got ready to cast only to find a brown had taken one of the nymphs while it was hanging by my feet. Easiest fish I ever caught.
The funniest thing I think I've ever seen occurred when I took a buddy of mine out catch trout with a Wooly Bugger and bubble rig at Tibble Fork. We were catching em left and right He was new to trout fishing and when he got more confident with his casting ability he started doing the long Hail Mary casts to get into the fish way off the bank. A few beers later he forgot to open the bail on his reel. He swung that thing like a Samurai sword and then there was a loud snap. [shocked] The bubble went into low-earth orbit and flew all the way to the opposite bank. An unsuspecting bait chucker was on the recieving end. The bubble landed two feet to his left and smashed apart, spraying him with water. I wish I had a video camera for the occasion. This guy was walking around for five minutes looking up at the sky like he had gotten a sign from the almighty himself. [sly] If he had seen the two idiots on the opposite bank rolling in the dirt i'm sure he would have given us a lesson with our own fishing poles... good times!
I was fishing for bass with a mouse pattern in Southern Florida when a 3 foot alligator took a liking to my mouse. He chased it clear up onto the bank before he caught it then we had about a thirty minute fight back and forth. I do not know what I was going to do if I got it close. I guess I was thinking of playing steve Erwin and getting my mouse back. Finally he planted his feet and did a death role on the edge if the water. We he decided to spin the line snapped and it was all over.

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there windriver and thaks for your story. It's worthy for a spot in Readers Digest.[/size][/green][/font]

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