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The Carp Punisher at Lincoln Beach 04/13/2006 and the Blue Cat
[Tongue] [#505000]How ya'll fellers doing this fine mornin. Well I decided ta take a little time off work cause I was fix'n to fish at Lincoln Beach yesterday.[/#505000]
[#505000]I got down to the lake and was mighty dismayed to see the wind was a blowing. I decided to give it a shot anyway. When I first arrived I saw this feller fishing in the boat channel. This feller told me he hadn't caught nothin and when asked he told me he was using power bait. I told him with powerbait he was fixin to catch nothing. I gave him some carp and some plastic. [/#505000]

[#505000]I put on my waterproof wadin' britches and got my toon in the water and got to work. After about two hours of nothing the wind picked up and I decided it was time to get off the water. I landed my craft and decided to soak a little bait from shore. [/#505000]
[#505000]The feller next to me told me he's been fishing since march and had caught 8 cats over the past month. Seven of them channel cats and a big blue cat! I kindly let this feller know there was no such thing and I was told another old feller had told him there was blues in that thar water. I then put on my biology teacher hat and set that feller straight. [/#505000]
[#505000]I didn't catch no blue cats, didn't catch no pike, didn't catch nuthin'. I saw a few fellers catch mud cats on worms, but I don't like using them worms. [/#505000]
[#505000]Met a few of them nice local fellers. Maybe next time I can catch a blue or a pike. [Tongue][/#505000]
Gary I know you are funnin' us a little, but there are pike in Utah Lake -- not many, but a few are caught from time to time. Now if you could catch a blue pike -- that would be rare.
Don't forget about the albino aligators too. I've heard tell they're mighty elusive, but my brother's friend's cousin's barber's dog's lover's owner says they caught one last year.
[cool]ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice report, Gary! It's nice to hear about you bonding with the local "fellers" out there.

I was gonna ditch work today to go out there, but I figured with this storm coming in this p.m. that I'd have better luck just working and getting off early and hitting Maybe Pond, so that's what I'm gonna try. Figured tubing the pond would be safer and more productive than tubing windville (U.L.) tonight. Good luck on your next trip out, and keep those funny stories coming!!
[cool][#0000ff]I really does wish y'all would stop dissin' my jug-eared kinfolk down there. They does the bestest they can with whut they gots, even if'n 'taint much.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wouldn't s'prize me none if Sportsmans or Cabelas has been sellin' that there "bottle bait" as bein' good stuff fer the blues. Afore ya gets too high and mighty, there HAS been some cats caught on power bait. They also slurp in salmon eggs and especially Velveeta cheese. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry about the wind. I tried to get it all used up yesterday morning, but I guess there was still some left over. As we have both found, it is tough to fish our style of kitty fishin' when you are bouncin' around and trying to hold some kind of position. It is especially tough when the fish are touchy and aren't biting aggressively. That's how the bite was yesterday morning. Pop and drop. I missed several hits that I could not finesse because of fighting the wind.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Did fishluvr give you all that smoked catfish I sent back with him? (Just kiddin')[/#0000ff]
[#505000]Hey Kent, the pike I was referring to aren't the actual pike, but them marble eyed pike (aka walleye) them locals chase. If you know what yer doin you can catch a few of them in a trip if luck is with you!! [/#505000]
[#505000]With powerbait Pete I figured he may get a cat or two and more than a few carp on the silly putty, but I did give him a couple strips of the carp. It never ceases to amaze me the different ways people fish. I'm going to apologize up front to anyone reading this who fishes this way but I can't help but poke a little fun at the following rig I saw.[/#505000]
[#505000]This one guy (nice but certainly a "local". The blue cat guy) was fishing liver. He had 6 or 7 of those bell weights on the swivel. He would toss his line out (Couldn't get it any further than me with just a hook, swivel and bait) and crank in the slack on the lines until the poles were bent like he already had a fish on. [/#505000]
[#505000]I didn't see him catch anything but I couldn't help to wonder if his method was designed to give the fish a hernia when it attempted to pick up the bait. After getting the hernia I figure it must be too injured to swim off and would just "lie there" after that it would just be a simple matter of scooping the fish up off the surface with a net. [/#505000]
[#505000]Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this but I like to fish cats open bailed with no weight other than the bait, and a swivel to keep them from twisitng my line, and easy switching of leaders if I decide to try something else. I figure a fish feeling that weight is a bad thing.[/#505000]
[#505000]The guys catching mudders were using minnows sweetend with a bit of worm. I don't use worms at UL because I'm not terribly interested in catching mudders. [/#505000]
[#505000]Fishluvr didn't even mention smoked fish!! That hording bastard!! [Tongue] I bought me a smoker last year and have been making a lot of my own. I wouldn't blame him for hording!![/#505000]
[cool][#0000ff]I also never "sneeze to be demazed" at the wide assortment of rigs you can see while checking in on the angling fraternity on different waters. What is even more demazing is that they do sometimes catch fish on the craziest setups. That only encourages them and further convinces them that they are using "the bestest and greatest" rigs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The simple truth is that fish...especially catfish...are very democratic at times. They will eat almost anything, presented almost any old way you wanna serve it to them, at least when they are hungry and active. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the other hand, even the gluttonous kitties can sometimes get more selective and finicky. When they are in a neutral or negative mode...or just sluggish in cold water often takes just the right bait presented just the right way if you wanna have fillets for the table.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have taken cats on a "high-low" (drop shot) rig while fishing from shore. And, I too sometimes use fairly heavy weights, to anchor the rig against current or wind. That extra weight also helps the cats to hook themselves when they are hitting hard. But, if they are hitting light, and not taking the bait fully inside their mouths, you will get frustrated and not hook very many. They often drop the bait as soon as they feel something strange.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is Sad, but many anglers grew up teaching themselves how to fish, with no older angler in the family to show them proper rigging. Some of them were lucky enough to fish with someone who eventually clued them in, but many don't ever get good instruction. Even more don't listen when you try to help them. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like you, I always try to help when I can. I have donated a lot of tackle, bait and advice over the years. I love it when you turn the lights on for someone and they begin catching fish. That's what it's all about.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Unfortunately, some "tanglers" are beyond help. All you can do is watch, chuckle and feel sorry for their family...waiting in vain for a fish dinner that never walks in the door.[/#0000ff]
Aftir seeing sum of the spulling in this post iam a reckonin sum u fellars need to git huked on fonix. Just luuk waht it has dun fur my writing skilz. yep Huked on fonix it wurked fur me. [cool]
[cool][#0000ff]Now don'tcha go pokin' fun at us'ns. Cain't hep it if we's not as edumacated as y'all.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now, go snort a couple lines of that nuc'lar salsa you make and kwitcher aggertatin'.[/#0000ff]

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