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I would like to Welcome all of you all to this board.. My name is Paul aka: salmonegg
I have been a Washingtonian all my life and fishing is my favorite pastime. I also like to create web pages, build web sites and browse the web for new fishing tackle and fishing sites. This is how I discovered this message board. Thanks bft! Please join us. You are WELCOME to come and post here and introduce yourself to us. Let have some fun and just start off by finding out where you all live and your prefered "fishin" hole, OK !
good fishin....
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey Paul, good to have someone at the helm. Good luck and hope a lot of the fishermen who use computers climb aboard.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I don't live in Washington (Utah now) but spent a lot of time up there on business (and fishing) when I lived in northern California. I'll always remember the beauty of the Olympic Peninsula, crabbing and salmon fishing in the Sound, fishing the Lewis for those big summer run steelies, etc. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Washington would be my first choice as a place to live if it weren't for the soggy weather. Sure, it makes things green and keeps enough water in the rivers and lakes for the fishies, but man it can sure get old after six months of steady drizzle and downpours.[/#0000ff]
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Thanks for the post. Yeah, If you're not used to it it can seem like months worth of soggy weather but we really have had a weather shift and Calif. has been getting hammered with rain while we have had pretty good defined seasons recently. Rain is great for the fishing! I live on the Kitsap Penninsula just a bridge away from the Olympic Penninsula.
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I'm an ex Washingtonian, grew up in Kalama and fished the Columbia and Kalama Rivers. Spent many summers up in the Hood Canal area crabbing ,shrimping and fishing. We still make a few trips to the coast to fish every year. Before moving to Idaho, I lived in Grand Coulee area for 7 plus years. Fished the heck out of Banks Lake and Rufus Woods below the dam. I did spend some good lazy days fishing Lake Roosevelt and also spent plenty of time fishing on the Reservation in different lakes and streams. I'll stick my head in here every once in a while and see if I can contribute something of value.
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I am 34 years old and lived in Washington state all but 6 months of that. I have fished on the west side and the east side. I am currently about to embark on an all day fishing trip with my wife to Chapman lake for the first time in 6 years.
Most of my fishing experience comes from straight off the boat type of fishing, using lures and or worms. I am slowely getting into fly fishing but will always prefer trolling or drifting.
If there is any way I can contribute to this forum let me know, I am sure I will be hanging out here during my workweeks dreaming about the upcoming weekends fishing.
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Welcome to bigfishtackle.
thanks for the offer, If you dont mind I would like to take you up on that.
we love to hear about fishing trips and how you do both good and bad. also we have a picture gallery where we will host your pictures for free. there is even a 16 species picture contest you can enter your pictures in.
[url ""][/url]
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I dont mind at all. I have ample time during the week on the computer when I am not at work.
My wife and I just got a new digital camera so I will be submitting some pics soon.
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Welcome EZOP. Thanks for your post and we would love to hear how the fishing is in Eastern Washington. I don't get over that way very much. I fish the salt mostly so.. things don't start perkin' around here until June 1 for catch and release salmon. Anyway it gettin' out and doing it that matters! right? Just getting the boat ready now.
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Welcome Spokane_Angler,
Boy, its great to hear from you Eastsiders. How's the bassin' this time of year? Is this something thats popular over in Spokane? Thanks for the post, too.
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Hearing reports of 5+ pound bass out of bear lake and an 11 pound bass out of Bonnie lake that is only accessable in the spring via Chapman Lake.
Was going to head out to Sprague lake this weekend but my wife and I are going midnight fishing for Kokanee and to try out some new crankbaits at sunrise at Chapman.
Hopefully this weekend we catch more than a sunburn.
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I'm also a former Washingtonion. Mostly from around the Kent and Auburn area but I have lived and worked in Eastern Wash. in Newport and Cusick. Which is the area I plan on moving back to in the next few months. I'm really suprised on the lack of response from Washington. I know there lots of great fishing of any type you want to do. My favorite is either the mountain streams or a slow troll with a half rack in the cooler. (worms are also allowed in the cooler) I'll check back later to see if anyones reading. Al
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Hi Alan,
Welcome to the Washington Page. It's great to hear you'll be moving back. Let us know when you got some time to tell a few tales of your favorite hotspots. Even the worst day fishing is better than the best day at work. Thanks for stopping by.
- Salmonegg
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Hey, I'm from Utah, but in Jan. I'll be moving to the Redmond area (maybe Lynnwood??). Can't wait to do some fishing up there!
Hopefully you guys can help a new guy to the area know where to go.
BTW salmonegg, you should drop by once in awhile on the fishing webmasters board. We could use some traffic over there.
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Hey Salmonegg,
I am a Washington native, born and raised in eastern Washington now living in Vancouver. I have only been fishing for about three years. I did fish as a child, but that was sporatic and did not continue as a young man. I am now 52 years old and a "rookie." I fish mostly the small local lakes like Lacamas, Round, Battle Ground, Farger, etc. I have a canoe that I enjoy alot and I am saving up to get a pontoon. I also enjoy bank fishing on the Mighty Columbia. I have not fished Vancouver Lake much because I have had zero success the few times I have been there.
I am a roughfisher, which is to say I fish for all the species in a body of water and I do so without the use of fancy electronics and such.
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Hi Lewis,
Thanks for the post. Fishing is exactly how you descibe it "one fish at a time". I went down for the King Salmon opener last weekend in Westport and the the fishin' was slow.There were seven Chinook caught amongst the 30 charter boats...Wow! Even the bottom fishing was slow compared to the past but the boat did catch a limit of cod. I guess thats why they call it fishin' otherwise it would be called "catching". It was a good time and it can only get better from here!
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[  ] I am 31 now and just moved to Everett/Lynnwood area about two yrs ago. Other than that i grew up in Port Angeles. I have fished the Hoh, Calawha, Sol Duc, Bogacheil, Dungeness, twins river, and the Lyre. Now i fish close to home such as the Snohomish river, Wallace river,Skykomish river and sometimes the Cowlitz.
Fishing for Salmon in the rivers here doesn't start until July 1st. So i will be posting many reports. I still go to the Forks area to fish. Also I have friends their who can give me input as to the fishing conditions. Which in turn I can relay to you guys.
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We live on the Eastern side of the state along the Columbia river. I am interested in teaching my boys about fishing. We have been fish a couple of times a year along the banks. The kids love it. The problem is to teach fishing I need to know more about fishing. I am really an amateur. I am here to get tip and gain confidence. The last time we caught any fish were bluegill in Maryland over 2 years ago. Any tips on a good spot to take kids?
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We always went over by Ice Harbor Dam. There is a road down there that goes for at least 4 to 5 miles it seems like and you can park along the road and go down and fish there. Another place to go if you are not going to cook or keep the fish is the Family fishing pond at Columbia Park.
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Thank You! I will give it a try this weekend.[  ]