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Is this site slow????
Is this site slow or is it just my computer? Well you guys made me go out and get DSL. Hopefully that will help speed things up.[Wink] I shall return around the 4th. or 5th

[Smile] I probably should've gotten the DSL sooner with all the time spent on the computer!![Smile]

Tight lines fishing the weekends everyone!

[cool] When you load up this site, it ain't just your standard home page and a couple of text pages. There's a whole gaggle of stuff that loads up...even if you just click on a link to our lowly tubing forum. Then, again, it may be that the moderator is a bit slow.

Seriously, I flit around between home and a couple of different office locations, and of course I keep tabs on several different sites with BFT. I have Qwest digital package at home, and it is much faster than a Cox Cable connection at one of the offices...and infinitely faster than "Billy Bob's" tin can and string connection at the other. There are timew when a slow dialup connection can choke before fulling loading a heavyweight site like this one.

I have also heard that your web browser can make a difference. At one office there is an option to use Netscape or Internet Explorer. The latter seems to work much better and there are fewer problems with posting messages or replies.

How about it Dave or ssor...or Mike? What's the straight scoop here?

And, speaking of slow, Kiyo. Are you not fishing these days...or just not sharing your successes? Always enjoy your input.
Hi TubeDude,

I was supposed to go this morning but my wife turned the alarm off!![Sad] She said it was going on for almost an hour![Smile] Anyways, I had to get the line wet so I just came back from fishing the SHORE using live smelts for nothing. I was only fishing for about 40 minutes though. I got caught up at Norm![Smile][Smile] Trying to find the hot spots.

I've been busy helping out on the Fish Talk Radio 1540am on Thursdays from 8-10pm. Last weeks show started at around 10:30 and I was on at around 11:45pm telling them about my website. I will be at there booth at the Fred Hall Show in Long Beach coming soon.

Can't wait till I get the DSL connection!!! Sometimes when I start to type in here it stops and I have to wait. Then when I click on the Main Index it must take about 2 minutes show up. I should have the DSL connected around the 5th? Hope it helps!
this site does take about 15 seconds to load, some times longer depending how bussy the net is,

abother thing that will slow down your computer in loading pages is the number of programs you are running on your computer.

I turn all mine off before logging on, it seems to help a great deal to speed things up.

I also defrag my computer once a month whether it needs it or not. this too will help speed things up.

good call Tubedude[shocked]
[cool]Hey, congratulations on the recognition and good luck with the show.

You must be some kind of sound sleeper, to sleep an hour through a FISHING TRIP ALARM. I may be old and experienced, but I still get excited about every new trip. However, one advantage of getting older is that you usually don't need as much sleep (unless you've been up late playing big shot radio star).

I can't remember the last time I actually needed the alarm to get up on time. I always set it, just in case, but I'm one of those wierdos that wakes up a few minutes before the alarm goes off and I just shut it off before it rings. So far, I've never gone back to sleep.

That brings up a question, that may be of interest to other halibut fans. What time is the best time to be on the water this time of year? Is it a factor of tides...bait...temperatures...or what? I seem to recall that some days it was a daybreak bite, while others it was midday or late afternoon. A whole 40 minutes is not much time to wait them out.

I'm sure you have used high speed internet connections before, but there is nothing like getting hooked up at home for the first time. I guarantee you will hock the wife and kids before you will give up DSL and go back to dialup, once you have enjoyed the luxury of the fast connections and downloads. You are no doubt counting down the days.

Have you been getting any reports from either north or south? Pete (LeapingBass), up in Santa Barbara was finding lots of small fish right on the shore...and reported one legal recently. He fishes almost exclusively with Hammers and does well. A prefessional smalt slinger should be able to do some damage too. Any new reports, Pete?
Thanks for dropping in and shedding some light on the subject Dave. Is the ice getting thin enough back there that you might be ready for a tube yet?

I've read on the Michigan forum that there have been quite a few folks go through the ice recently.
I was out on walled lake a couple days ago, the varitable heat wave has melted the ice to 18 inches thin.

if that ground hog dont see his shadow tomarow it will be and early spring.
Hi TubeDude,

40 minutes is all the time I could fish since I got held up at Big Fish Tackle with the buddies.[Smile] I would've fished longer but it was dark and the Laker game was on tonight.[Wink]

What time is the best time to fish the Halibuts???
I have caught them in almost any tide (High or Low), during Grunion runs, early mornings in slack or good movements of water. A tide change from low to high a couple of hours before it gets dark is excellent for the jetty for the 'butts. I for one LOVE the Red Tide!!!! I catch a lot of Halibuts in Red Tide with the live smelts or frozen Anchovy's. Only problem is they don't fight as hard at first. Seems like your pulling up a plastic bag until it gets to the top then it makes a run for it. Usually in regular water (Not red tides) they will make around 3-4 good runs. In the red tide they rarely make two runs before you net them or gaff them.

Hey, about the sleeping! I was pretty tired this week working/watching my kids ages 5 and 2. It's like having three jobs.[Smile][Smile] Plus the Halibut bite is kind of slow so I wasn't too worked up. But I'm ready for tomorrow!!![Smile]
I have my live smelts in the tank ready for tomorrow morning and will be catching something tomorrow. At least I hope![Smile]

Sorry about the late reply. By getting DSL you will have a solid connection, that is for sure. If after that it still seemes slow to load you might check in to adding More Ram memory. Two minits to load the Main sounds like eather a very slow access or lack of Random Access Memory. I can help you check if your Ram recorces are low and need an upgrade. Send me a private and I will send you the steps to take to check it. Dave does have a good point about running extra programs in the background.
To see what is running when your computer starts up, Just right click on start and left click on open. This will give you a full list of all programs that load at boot.
[size 2][size 1]Hello Guys,[/size]

[size 1]Speaking of sleeping (LOL)? Sorry I missed your question TubeDude, but it seems Dave and Dwight have BayTuber pretty dialed in now. Only question I have is more out of curiosity, BayTuber are you on a MacIntosh? It seems we are having a problem with load times on Mach's (even higher performance ones), we have been looking into it but haven't nailed it yet. If you are, know that we are working on it at our end too.[/size]

[size 1]Good Luck Tomorrow![/size]

[size 1]P.S. 5 and 2 by itself is like three jobs, mine are 3 1/2 years apart also, if its any consolation it doesn't get any easier as they get older (ha-ha, its all good!). Do you ever get your 5 year old out in a tube with you? My son's six and I think he'd love it (it’s a little to hands on for my daughter), probably wouldn't do much fishing but would have a blast running bumper tubes against me (lol).[/size][/size]

TheAngler BFT Moderator
[cool]Float tubes make great teaching tools and motivators for kids...especially the problem cases. Once you get them off the beach, you can threaten to stick a knife in their tube...or just push them out into an offshore current.


Seriously, I had both of my sons in float tubes early. My daughter was okay with shore fishing, or boatin', but drew the line at dangling her precious anatomy in the water.

Kids have fun with float tubes whether they catch any fish or not. That's better than soaking power bait from the bank for three or four whiny hours when the fish ain't bitin. It's also good exercise for kids that don't get as much physical activity as they should. Just be careful you don't overdo it on the first couple of trips, or they will not be anxious to go out again. But, then again, what parent can ever outlast an energetic kid?

If you do plan to take a kid in a tube, make the first trip in the warm waters of summer. You don't need to worry about waders or hypothermia, and the experience is more like swimming. There's also usually better fishing for many species of fish in the summer. Don't try to economize on cheap or poorly designed fins for the kids. Go to a good dive shop and invest in a set of good fins. And, try them on your youngster and make sure they are properly adjusted before you hit the water. If they are too loose, you will lose your investment and you will have to tow your kid back to shore. Too tight, and they will get blisters or foot cramps. Not good.

After that, stick to the basics of taking a kid fishing. Good but simple tackle, proper rig and bait...or lure...for the species and the conditions. And, MOST IMPORTANT, make it THEIR trip...not YOUR trip. You will have plenty of other opportunities to catch fish by yourself, or with more experienced fishing buddies...but when you have a kid along, stick tight and help them enjoy the experience. I always enjoy it more when a young fishing companion catches fish than those I catch myself.

Maybe something like this belongs on a separate thread, but Angler started it. Let's hope Kiyo's countdown to connection passes quickly.
Hi Mike![Smile]

I was using Netscape but changed to Enternet Explorer. Seems like its a lot faster than it was with the Netscape. I am still waiting for the DSL to come on. It should've came on today but it still didn't.

I haven't really took my son out tubing yet in a real float tube but at low tide at Alamitos Bay I took him out on one of those play tubes and gave him a rod and he had fun and even caught a 8" Sand Bass using plastics. He was 4 then! He got a little worried when his feet didn't touch the ground anymore!![Smile] I was right next to him on my float tube and he started to scream.

If you go out and buy him some fins from the dive shop, make sure you get a leash for it. They just velcro around the ankle so if the fins do fall off they won't be lost.

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the great "taking your child tubing" advise!!!! I think I'll be trying this year.

I've only been out tubing a few times myself so it should be a lot of fun for both of us! My father-in-law is an avid tuber and is always willing to sport the tubes for anyone willing to get out on the water. I'll let you know how we do!

TheAngler BFT Moderator

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