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Kite Fishing
Any idea where I can get some usefull information pertaining to kite fishing?

Been using planers and downriggers for years and I keep seeing more and more boats flying kites now.[Sad]

Looking for costs, type, rigging application etc. Even a book, video or web-site would be usefull

I appreciate any info offered!

On Seafari
Her are a few sites to check out

[#008000][size 2][url ""][/url] [/size][/#008000]

[#008000][size 2][url ""][/url][/size][/#008000]

[#008000][size 2] article/0,12746,346261,00.html [/size][/#008000]

[#008000][size 2]hope this helps.[/size][/#008000]
Thanks for the assistance. I look forward to giving these a try!
On Seafari,

With the upcoming Hall shows, you might ask Andy Cates who is the Captain of the new Long Range boat being built named the Endeavor. He is one of the Master Jedi's of Kite Fishing.
I'll do that. Thanks for the information.

Being a "Master Jedi" with kites I heard is quite a high held status!!

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