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Strange happenings on the Jordan... 7/13
I went down to the Jordan last night for a little wade action. River's pretty low, and the main river flows are relitively clear. I fished it where I normally do in west valley.

Started dragging the bottom with carp along the deep edge. After a few hours of that, I had two little channel kitties in the basket for a picture and release. Both were about 16-18" or so. Unfortunately they bit on the last chunks of carp I have.

Finally I figured that since my bait supply for kitties was gone, I'd better get some more. So on goes the bread. Went back to the edge, heaved out, hoping for a carp or maybe, if I were lucky, a sucker. WELL....

I didn't get either of them. About five minutes after I heaved out my pole did start bobbing. The fish came up pretty easy on the 12# line I was using. Then once it saw me in there, it ran. Finally I got him up, and I couldn't hardly believe what I saw, though. Here, in an area of the river that I honestly think is one of the utmost poluted cesspools in the state, where, if anywhere, Blinky the 3 eyed fish would live, was a B-E-A-UTIFUL 21" Rainbow Trout. Was I ever surprised! I was a little disappointed at how much of a wuss he was, though. Never took him outta the water, never even touched him, clipped the line, and he still went belly up. Oh well. He was good enough for a lunch today.

Here's a couple pictures. I'm planning on hitting that section of river consistantly till I leave for Oregon next week. Who knows. Maybe I'll catch an Oscar, or a Paku, or maybe even a real Pirana next.... Just kidding(hopefully!)
Nice work on scoring the plump bow...too bad he was such a wimp. Perhaps he was suicidal?
[cool]Dang, Jensonkid, you are really growing up these days. Barely recognized you in that picture. Nice 'bow. What a surprise indeed! Good luck in Oregon.
I'm betting he almost had to be suicidal... Having to live with all of those ugly carp, and suckers, and channel cats... LOL!

Stupid fish anyway. I guess that's what I get for trying to release everything but the carp.
I know there are rare cases of Browns being caught but never have I seen a Bow !!! Im in SHOCK[shocked]. You must be some sort of God to pull that out !
Actually, rainbows are not all that uncommon on the Jordan River. They are often planted in the streams that flow into it (Little/Big Cottonwood creeks, for example), and often find their way down into the Jordan, and then remain there getting bigger and growing extra eyes and lungs and whatnot from the pollution (ok, fine that last part is not entirely true)

I think I have even heard of the Jordan itself sometimes receiving a batch of planter rainbows every so often.
yea you are right the dwr planted the bluffdale bridge with planter rainbows about 4-5 year was most recent,but i was there watching them put them in the jordan,but never caught one.
[cool] Thanks.
The Browns come in from the Cottonwoods. For sure. Never caught a Bow outta the cottonwoods. Rare cases of Bonneville Cutthroats, but for some reason or another never Rainbows. My uncle nailed a brown above 45th about 6 years ago now(jeeze, I can't believe it's been that long...) that went 7Lbs that he put on the wall. Great fish.

The Rainbows are a lot more common up higher. They used to be stocked before the comunity ponds came along. Since then I haven't heard of it. They do better in the ponds, anyway. Up about 60th or so and further south their relitively common. Around 118th seems to be prime habbitat for them. Just this year I had a good one break me off right at 60th, though.

I'm thinking he was only there because it's about a 200 yard strait-away from the mouth of the Mill Creek to the spot I was fishing. Big Bows on the lower Mill Creek. Last year I smacked one 24"er. Up above it's a relitively flat part from the mouth, down to a cut that goes down around 14'. He was most likely seeking cooler water. At least that's what I've got to assume. It was just kind of wierd catching a fish like that nearly to 21st south.

No god here... lol! [blush] I just fish that dang section of river so much that it was bound to happen if they were there. In fact, I'm quite surprised something hasn't happened like it before.
Weren't you a little squeemish about eating out of the Jordan? I understand you had to take the fish since it died on your hook, lol. But ewwwww[crazy]

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