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Fish Abuse !
It has been brought to my attention that there has been some amount of fish abuse going on, not just in the fishing community, but the fishing industry as well.

I am here to tell you that I wont stand for it, You are probably wondering what I am going to do about it arent ya, I'll tell ya what I am going to do,

I am going to inform you about it and you will stop your self after hearing what I have to say...

First off there are people fishing and keeping fish near red tides of the atlantic and gulf and cirtain locations in the Western Indian ocean, Pacific ocean and Caribbean Sea.

The fishing there may be good, but here lays the problem, these fish are a TOXIC, both preditor and bait fish alike.

the cause is bait fish consuming cirtain toxic marine algae in these regeons which are then consumed by preditor fish. the algae is toxic to humans, The toxin can not be removed by freezing, cooking, or any other method, nor can it be nutralized.

Eating of these fish will result in an illness called [#ff0000]"Ciguaterra Fish Poisoning"[/#ff0000]

The Primary fish involved but not limmited to is

and others in the preditor catigory around these reefs.

Persons consuming these fish from these reef fish can expect to come down with these symptoms,

Reversal of hot and cold sensations
Joint and muscle pain

Symptoms may last for months or even years depending upon the extent of the illness.

the only to prevent this illness is to catch and release in these areas, or better yet check with your local athorities about fishing restrictions for comercial fisheries.

Secondly, I have been hearing of people coming down with [#ff0000]Histamine poisoning[/#ff0000], commonly known as [#ff0000]"Scomboid poisoning"[/#ff0000] What has this got to do with fish?

This comes in the form of food abuse, Fish that have not been put on ice with in minutes after its capture, hanging them for hours for photo presentations is one culpret, leaving them laying around at tempretures above 41 degrees is the main concern.

As these fish are allowed to set in temps between 41 and 140 degrees, bacteria in these fish produce "Histamine"

Consumption of Histamine by humans result in the following symptoms,

Reddening of the neck and face
Burning or tingling sensation in mouth and throat

Later symptoms will advance to....


Fish commonly associated with this bacteria is

Mahi Mahi
other species in these families.

To prevent this illness process fish emediatly and get on ice as soon as posible "ASAP" and keep them on ice or frozen untill you are ready to use them.

Thirdly is the pratice of eating raw and under cooked fish, Do not do this!!! the fish you are seeing on the comercial market have been specialy treated so they are cemi safe for consumption.

eating fish raw or partialy cooked can result in a type of illness called [#ff0000]"Anisakis"[/#ff0000]

dont take this lightly, it is a serious illness,

there are two types of the illness. Invasive and NonInvasive. {non invasive can lead to Invasive}

to understand this illness you need to know what causes it, It is a parestie that lives in the fish and still alive when consumed by human and other animals.

the fish associated with this illness is

Pacific salmon
and other species in these families or regeons where these fish are caught.

some one comming down with this illness may have these symptoms.


Tingling in throat
Coughing up worms (size microscopic to large)


Stomach pain

"note, persons who come down with invasive type of this illness will have to go under the knife to have the worms sergicaly removed."

To prevent this illness, cook your fish to an inside temperature of 165 degrees for 15 seconds.

and if you must eat raw fish go to a reputable resturant to pick up your sushi or half cooked salmon. as I mentioned earlier thier fish have been specialy treated to remove or kill the parasite.

it is my hopes that after reading this there will be no more fish abuse, but we know that wont happen, so keep your fishing mates in the loop and let your buds know about this type of abuse and dont take my word for it, check out these illnesses on the web for aditional information.

Happy fishing and be safe.....

Eating of these fish will result in an illness called [#ff0000]"Chguatera Fish Poisoning"[/#ff0000]

Do you mean ciguaterra poisoning? I have had freinds get this poisoning and let me tell you its something you dont ever wanna get!!!
ya, I did, dog-gone fat fingers.. LOL

[url ""]ciguaterra poisoning[/url] for those who would like to see the low down on Fish and Shellfish foodborne illnes.

for sure that one dose not look like a picknic, how long did it take for him to fully recover?

I have had three different confirmed food poisonings in my life, I can tell you, for a fact you dont want any of them,

a couple weeks ago I started a cirtification class in the state of michigan so I can be a hot dog cheff, "yep, boil winners and put them on a bun" to my suprize, I found there is a listeria illness that scares me, then shigatarra and chiga poisingings.

the section in the first post is just a couple pages of a couple hundred page text that I have to digest in 4 weeks time...

after reading all the different types of food poisoning and how you get it, I have lost my appitite, and began to wonder just how any body ever lived past the bannana mush stage...
One of my freinds in miami was out of work over 5 months because he could hardly walk.He got it bad and his wife wasnt as nearly as bad but she was sick for almost 8 months.My doctor got a case of it in the bahamas last year and he was hospitalized for about 3 months.He hasnt been the same since neither has my freinds in miami.All i can say is never eat barracuda especially the big ones.Now they sell ciguaterra kits in miami to test fish before you eat them.Ciguaterra is a disease you never ever wanna get or see someone suffer from it.Imagine constant pain 24 hours a day 7 days a week for months with no end![pirate]
I think my little brother has it, I cant get him talked into getting checked for it,

here is a link to some place where you can get the kit, but personaly I would rather stay away from eating those fish,

they say that you can kiss or lick the fish's liver and if it tingles or gets numb then the fish is toxic. I dont think I will be kissing any fish livers any time soon, especialy sick fish livers. I love fish, but not in that way...

I have herd there are a number of kits available, but none reliable enough to the every day fisherman... This is according to my county health inspector. the only way to know for sure is to have the algae on the reefs tested. some red tides are toxic and some red tieds are ok, there are yellow green blue pink and orange tides as well and many others... of the 600 algae species only 60 are toxic. but knowing which one is, is the job of local governing bodies who test the algae regulary.

here is what sailorgirl had to say about it...

[url ""][/url]
That's good advice Dave. Barracuda and Jacks are known to cause that type of poisoning regardless of the algae based on their regular consumption of toxic fleshed fishes; especially barracuda.

Besides, niether of those types of fish are worth eatting anyhow. One of the best places to get information on local fisheries and the toxicidy levels of the fish, surprisingly, is the maternity ward at your local hospital. They have pamplets that tell you save levels of the local species of fish you can consume for each body of water. I go there and get one every year. Granted they are designed with the pregnant woman in mind, however, still are very informative.

One major piece of equipment any serious fisherman has on board thier boat is plenty of ICE. When I land a fish of any species, the throat gets cut, and I let him bleed for 4 or 5 minutes. Afterwards, I gut them, fill the void with ice and cover the rest of the fish with ice. Waiting to ice down the fish not only isn't safe, it really ruins the fresh flavor of the fish.
So true about the ice thing, I have yet to fish the salt waters my self, but the first thing I do when I get back from my fresh water trips is fillet my gills and soak them in ice and water with salt added.

this helps kill any thing in the fresh water fish like bacteria and worms they cary...

then I rinse them, place in fresh clean water in a ziplock freezer bag and freeze solid. they have a two year shelf life this way, "provided the power dosnt go out for more than five days for my freezer.

Ice cream wont survive more than a day or two with the power off because of all the sugar. be carefull not to add salt when freezing because it lowers the freezing and melting points. it may only be a couple degrees but it really dose make a difference.

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