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Carp on flies
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 4]What is the Cabelas alternative to Orvis dork? Cabelas bass-tard? [/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 4][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh] LMAO[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]I should have said, "I resemble that!"[/size][/font]

[cool][#0000ff]Sorry Scotty, no slams intended. I didn't coin the term. I got a lot of respect for Orvis goodies. Just a finger-pointing thing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since Cabelas is for the masses, how about simply "Cabelas fellas". Course, that lets out the lady tanglers, but "dorks" is not exactly a term that lends itself well to the fair gender either. Maybe "Cabelas kooks"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I think the "bass-tard" label goes better with Bass Pro. And, how about "Jann's junkies"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I always say, call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for dinner.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, hey, hey! I made my comments "Tongue in cheek"...all in fun. No serious slights intended. Sorry if I ruffled any "hackles".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Folks who know me know that I take my fishing seriously, but I never take myself too seriously. Anybody is always welcome to take their best shot, as long as they are prepared to get it back. I have a vast arsenal of witty comebacks (well...maybe only half-vast).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Poking good-natured fun is always okay on these boards, but when the fun turns serious and we start getting name-calling and personal attacks, that's when I put on my moderators' badge.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Yeah, let's all lighten up and get along. Again, sorry if I twanged any nerves.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]You can sight-fish carp in Pineview, Willard and the Gorge...when the water is clear enough. Deer Creek is another good place to sight fish for BIG carp on a fly. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As most would-be carp fishermen soon find, carp are every bit as spooky as stream browns and are difficult to approach. They also boogie if you line them or make a sloppy cast. You don't always have to use long fine leaders but you have to be good at placing the fly in the right place and then waiting for the fish to get close enough to trigger a slurp.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nymping for carp is not unlike trouting. You spot the fish, make the cast, wait for the fly to sink to the right depth...or lay on the bottom. When the carp gets near, you make a couple of slight twitches and watch for the take. Their subtle slurp is almost impossible to detect, so seeing them is a great advantage. Almost any good nymph that resembles the aquatic invertebrates in that water will get the job done.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Carp are serious surface feeders too, when that is where the groceries are. They don't rocket off the bottom to smack a single fly, like trout. They usually cruise just beneath the surface, looking for edibles and then simply tilting up and slurping them off the surface. Again, quiet and accurate presentations are essential.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On any given day, carp may be skimming the surface for drowned terrestrials, floating berries, cottonwood seeds, algae blobs, bits of bread or popcorn left over from feeding ducks or whatever. You can try to "match the hatch" or simply float something enticing and hope they respond.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Carp fans in some areas tie up berry imitations and fish near the shoreline berry bushes during the seasons when berries are ripening and falling into the water. But, almost any good looking dry fly will produce action. I have taken a lot of carp on a plain old size 10 or 12 renegade...tied on strong hooks. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I think the white feathers are the big attraction. In fact, one of my best carp flies of all time is a "marshmallow emerger". Many years ago on Deer Creek, the bank tanglers used to fish the rainbows along the banks with white marshmallows. Some of the white morsels came free of the hooks and floated to the surface. I also observed a few folks illegally flipping marshmallows out onto the water to attract bows to the surface (chumming). At any rate, the rainbows usually smacked those mallows with a vengeance. I tied up some white puffy flies to imitate them. Some were simply several white hackle feathers, wrapped densely and trimmed round and then doped to float. I also tried spun deer hair, but it was too dense and I missed strikes. Got lots of sweet-tooth rainbows on them...and then early one morning I got into some big carp too. I have used that fly over the years whenever the carp are slurping and I want in on the action. No matter what they are targeting, they will almost always take something white off the top.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For underwater presentations, in murky water, where you can't watch the take, try small nymphs in dark, brown, olive, purple. White and chartreuse work well too. You need a strike indicator in many cases. If not, then use the "bluegill strip". Point the rod tip at the fly and have absolutely no slack in the line. Pull the fly in short pulls and maintain complete feel with your fingers. Whenever you feel the slightest tick or hesitation, pull back with the stripping hand. If you feel resistance, raise the rod to set the hook and game on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All that being said, carp feed on minnows and crawdads too. Sometimes big carp will respond to streamers or buggers. Many of us "warm water" fly-flingers have gone bendo on big carpskis while working big stuff for walleyes, largies, smallies or other species. Guys trolling big crankbaits for wipers on Willard commonly hook carp on their hardbaits, often while trolling over 3 miles per hour. But, if you target carp with the big stuff it will not be nearly as effective. And, those other species keep interrupting.[/#0000ff]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I got to add STARVATION to your list of Carp Waters.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]TD I think you have touched on every thing when it comes to carp, and I am sure WE all thank you![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Okay, you ready for this? I was at Starvation sevral years ago with some friends. I had a 4lb Ultra Light custom SPINNING outfit. Cant remember what I had at the end of my line (like I said-several years ago).[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]It was at sunset, I threw out my line as far as I could, then felt it stop. I started realling in thinking I had hit a tree stump. Suddenly it started pulling. I played that thing for probably 30 minutes with that lite tackle. Hollering at everyone at the camp to bring a BIG net. Everyone was lined up on the rocky ledge to see what I had. Finally got it up to the rocks....about 36" long CARP. I was so suprised to see I got this thing in on 4lb mono. He wiggled a few times on the rocks and cut the line before we got the net in.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]What a rush![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Gave me a who ne respect for these in land BONE FISH.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Hey Scotty P , how is your dad likeing that Bamboo?[/size][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]Sorry to omit Starvation, but you are right. Lots of big carp and usually fairly clear water. Sounds like an epic battle on that biggun you got to rassle. I used to target them on several waters in Arizona with ultralight tackle. I made a spinning rod out of a 9' 5 weight flyrod and used 4 pound line. Fun stuff with those ugly muthas. Sure got some wierd looks from the old fudds sitting on park benches next to some of the park ponds I fished. Got to use corn down there. Ooops...pardon me..."niblets hackle".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Actually there aren't many bodies of water in Utah that have escaped colonization by ol' buglemouth. Haven't seen any in Jordanelle but I suppose it could happen, courtesy of our wonderful bucket biologists.[/#0000ff]
Sugarhouse park is another fun spot. Actually caught one one evening on a small BWO dry.
[cool][#0000ff]I think some of us may have forever blown our image as elitist troutologists. I don't think I EVER had that image, but you may have suffered some severe PR impact.[/#0000ff]
Bamboo? You must have me Confused with someone else Flygoddess. My Pops doesn't even fish (would be nice if he had a boo I could borrow).
Sorry, miss information.
Anything white. I have caught a lot of carp on a white zonker. They will pound it!. I have also caught a lot using my 3wt and a mysis type pattern in the provo river at the boat harbor.
Carp on a 3 wt? I've always wanted to see my backing. That would be a good way to do it[Wink]
I wasn't trying to catch them. I was working on whities, crappie, and walleye... Dang carp kept slurping my bug and then I would have a 15 minute fight on my hands...sure took away from my fishing Smile
[cool][#0000ff]Just in case you're interested, here is a [url ""]LINK TO THE POST[/url] on the float tubing board that generated the video I posted here. There are some pics also, of some flyrod carp over in Oregon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The BFT member (Zonker) who posted made the comment that it was the first time he has seen his backing for awhile.[/#0000ff]

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