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Yuba 10-11-06
I was hoping to find some of the bigger trout, no deal. Lots of decent perch. One small, about 15" football rainbow- no anchor worms. The trout was really pretty. There were four or five boats trolling, but I didn't see any of them catching fish. Fished from the shore from about 8:30 until 12:30. Lots of minnows in the shallows, but they don't look like the same ones as last year.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the report. Wonder where the trout are this year. They were swarming the whole area around the dam by this time last year. And they were running big too...up to 6-8 pounds.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope they show up and turn on soon. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Chunky perch in the pic. There will be lots of them that size by the time we get to keep any in 2008. (Paid political announcement)[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the report. Too bad the bows didn't cooperate better. Last year Ocean and TD nailed some pigs outta there. [Smile]
I went up today and caught a bunch of perch as well. My biggest went just barely under 14 inches and I caught a couple others that were 10 to 12 inches. I also caught two carp while fishing for perch. I took a page from Tube Dude's book and unharmed them before releasing them. I only caught one trout today that was 15 or so inches. What was the comment about anchor worms? The trout I caught had holes in it's sides with little worms coming out of them. I have never seen this before and didn't know what it was. I wasn't planning on keeping anything but perch today but the gross looking rainbow didn't help me want to keep him anyway.

There were a lot of little minnows in the shallows just like the ones from last fall. They were there by the millions.

Oh, by the way, the comment about keeping the perch was just to keep people shook up.
[cool]LOL! That was pretty funny. If I didn't live 2.5 hours away (not counting construction traffic) I'd head right down there, but to drive 3 hours just to have to release the delicious perchies isn't really worth it right now. I don't get to get out that often lately, so if I do go out, I'd like to bring home a fish dinner as well.
[cool][#0000ff]The worms are "anchor worms". They are a skin parasite that seems to affect mostly rainbows and mostly during warm water conditions. They disappear when the water gets colder. They are harmless but look nasty. In the olden days, when there were planted rainbows in Pineview, they usually got anchor worms in the warm waters of summer. We called them "pizza-side" bows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you are properly releasing those precious carpinskis. Glad also to hear that the minnows are finally putting in an appearance. I was wondering if the perch had munched them all. The rainbows and pike will be right behind them...with the perch in between.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, if you keep those perch alive, they make great aquarium pets...just like the fathead minnows. Whoops. I guess I shouldn't have said that. That particular subject started a whole buncha stuff last year. Delete...delete.[/#0000ff]

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