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Da Berry, Da wind, Da rain, Da snow, bring on the white caps
My self and a friend started the trip two hours before sunrise and arrived at the marina just before first light along with a second boater. On the drive we encountered rain and very wet roads from Echo all the way into Heber City(the first clue). The second boater was not sure if he wanted to get on the lake, said the weather was for rain then snow later in the day(second clue). I don’t think he launched. Smart man.

The sun was rising and the weather was good. (the calm before the storm, third clue). Yep, we launch anyway. Went south and started to jig. With in the first 30 minutes put three in the boat and the breeze started and the clouds dropped onto the lake. We headed to the south entrance of the narrows and drifted tubes in the breeze and caught a few more cuts. I also landed a nice 24" very fat rainbow I guess about 6lbs. I released it because I don’t know, just did. The white caps and two footers had started so we ducked into the narrows while it hailed. That lasted for a little bit and we called it a day. We idled back to the marina very carefully not to take a 3 footer over the bow. Loaded the boat and dried off.

Met two gentlemen in the parking lot who had just arrived with a small aluminum boat. All four of us went into the restaurant to warm up as we watched a second boater cross the lake to reach the marina. Looks like they had a very rough trip bouncing across the white caps. Thirty minutes later the storm had passed, the waves were calming, and once again we launched.

Headed south and mother nature struck again. This time with snow. Sideways snow and lots of it. Forced us into the narrows to take shelter from the wind and waves. So cold the over spray way freezing to the windshield and every thing it touched. The boat started to look like an Alaska crabbing vessel with all the ice. Found a nice sheltered cove in the narrows and battled the snow for a few more cuts.

The clouds parted and the big heater in the sky graced us with a little warmth. This was our chance to head closer to the marina and try to find smother water. We did just north of the marina before Mud Creek. We again started drifting tubes in the breeze(that would be any wind under 30 mph for the day) and struck gold lots of gold. Could not keep the cuts of the line. Landed over 30 cuts with one over 23" in the next hour. That was good enough for us. It was 4pm and time to leave. And everything was covered in ice. I think we were the only boat on the water after the second boat left. Total fish: cuts 38/ bows 1/ 2 crazy fishermen/ 1 frozen boat.

You have a large set my friend. You need to change your moniker to icerat. Nice report though.
[black][size 3]Great report Waterat,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Persistence and patience pays off again(even if at a price). Good job of persevering.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]I like to remind myself of this:[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]It may be the early bird that gets the worm, But, good things come to those that wait - after all, it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.[/size][/black]
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Wow -- almost sounds like fun!
[cool]Wow, you live in the fastlane, dude! Congrats on a nice catching day. Too bad you didn't get a pic of that big bow, but at least you fellas made it back in one piece, eh?
We made it back in one piece all right, one large piece of popsicle. I’ve been warmer ice fishing in -25 than I was that day. By far one of the coldest days I have spent in a boat in a long time.
So just wondering if you were training for your guest apperance on Discovery Channels Deadliest Catch Tv show? Glad to here you are ok and also that you caught some fishies.

Sure, why not. Next week we will be ice fishing on the open water. Get the camra ready. If I don't post a report, I didn't make and someone with a larger pair than mine with have to fill the spot.

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