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Question Teroy?
[size 2][size 1]Hello Teroy,[/size]

[size 1]With all the talk of a threat to us domestically and the news saying we should have 3 days worth of water, duck tape to seal windows, and food to last 3 days. [/size]

[size 1]I was wondering in your training what are they telling you to keep in your house to prepare for a terrorist strike?[/size][/size]

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Just the usual, a couple M-16's with rounds, few grenades and a couple shoulder fired stinger missiles.[shocked][cool][sly]

Really, I keep about 8 gallons of water and the wife has always been good at keeping the pantry stuffed. I live on base so its a little more secure then off base.

Honestly, A terrorist group would have to be total morons to stage a chemical or biological attack on US soil. If you want Ms. Liberty to drop her hammer harder than ever before, that would be the best way to do it. I think even the French would shut up about us going to war if a C/B attack hit us. This great country may only be a couple of hundred years old, but I garuntee we will knock the $hit out of anyone who threatens our way of life.
I know that Teroy. I spent 6 years in the military as well. I had a great opportunity to witness a CALIFAX. Quite a awesome display of coordination between you air bunnies and us dirt crawlers (army) haha. Keep up the good work.
Hello Guys,

My thought was with the San Anofre (not sure on the spelling) Nuclear Plant about 65 miles away, I didn't think the duck tape would be able to really get the job done if something did jump off.

I would tend to agree that if something like that did happen it would be dealt with swiftly and we could most definetly ensure it would never happen again!

P.s. Let me know if you ever need a spot to store one of those M-16's (lol).

TheAngler BFT Moderator
well we here in the north use plastic anyway , and it did come in handy ! our house came under attack by an suaside alquada grouse today , flew strait into the window ! he died upon impact . the glass was shattered , but the house remained intact and all occupants are safe and sound . i'll be celibrating a homeland victory tonight at dinner . the plastic worked !
I have to agree with Teroy,as we share the same dirt. LOL Anyone that thinks they can come over here and dump on us really has to be quite demented. To think they would get away with it is ludicrest.

I will never understand the purpose of killing millions of people, because of a few Idiots in the world. Sorry I just get really Pissed off when I think of what is happening in the world today. When I was in the AF we were worried about Radioactivity and fallout. Now we are looking at Mass Destruction and Chemical and Biological warfare. What the hell has happened to the World? Once again I apologise for my outburst.

You all realize that the plastic and duct tape will not really do you a lot of good for one of these attacks? That is all who are not on military bases realize it. Yeah keep 3-5 days of water for drinking and cooking. Your just going to have to do with out a bath. But the main reason for the plastic and duct tape is so that in the large populace areas there will be ready to use body bags for all of the dead from that kind of warfare. Also you should think about a generator and lots of gas to run it to keep you deep freeze running.
you are absolutely right, all the duct tape and plastic is for to save the government money on body bags for sure, there is no amount of plastic and duct tape that will seel your house. your house is buuilt to breath. there are vents under your house, in the ridges of your eves, the air that is used for your furnace comes from some where and blows out the exost.

when I herd that on the tv I was stuned by the stupidity of that statement, I never gave it much of a thoght about the other uses [unsure] , goood point.

on the up side I have 300 rolls of duct tape in the back shed, if you know of any one who wants to traid for some plastic for some tape give me a hollar.

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