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sturgen season on black lake 2-15-03
sturgen season will be open on black lake this weekend,

you must be at the black lake hotel by 6 p,m tonight to be eligable for the lottery to ice fish for the sturgen, there are monsters there.

lotery winner will have one day to catch his fish, if you dont get it your pass goes to the next guy on the list in the draw. there is a set limit of sturgen taken of black lake every year in february. this is a controlled event. and one gigantic party.

the attendance for this event is always good so you wont have to worie about being alone on this lake.
wasn't last years season on black lake a record time as far as any michigan fishing season went ?
I am sorry, I have forgotton what last year's score on black lake was.

if their day today was anything like here on union lake and in florida, un less they were spearing nothing was biten.
i remember this because dad was a little ticked off about them even having one if the take was going to be so low , 22 minutes before the horn was blown for everyone to stop fishing .
for our visitors; the lake is limited to only so many stergon being taken , a lottery is held and you must be present to win , anglers all start at the same time and ends when the exact number of fish are cought ( they blow a horn ). anglers must stop even if they have a fish on , cut there line .
how's that for a short season ?
that is frustrating for sure, but that is the luck of the draw,

so how many hours did they get in before the horn blew last year?

any news on yesterdays events?

the fun part is just being part of the action, (better than being a spectator on tv)

I once hit the lottery for an elk hunt here in michigan, I even got the shoot any thing you see tag, still I went home empty handed and frustrated and looking forward for a the chance to do it again [Wink]
22 minutes last year , not sure on this year yet , but the limit for the lake this year was only 5 ( FIVE ! ) fish , just barely better odds than getting a moose license here [crazy] . ( for ouw other viewers theres no moose hunting in michihan ! )
lol you got that right no moose here in michigan to hunt.

however, since the elk thing turned out well and by the way michigan makes millions of dollars every year through the lottery at 4 bucks a ticket from elk lottery, they have started the same program in marquette michigan.

they are planning to maintain the same moose head count there as they do in the Gaylord area for elk. unfortunatly due to resident poching the head count keeps droping every year. michigan just had to bring in another 40+ moose this past year to bring the head count back up to 850

once they take hold we will once again be able to hunt moose in michigan.
my brother john was fishing a lake in maine ( he lives there ) , when his bobber went strait down , he pulled and pulled , nothing he could do would bring that bobber up , so he sat there wondering if he had a snapper on . suddenly his bobber came up , then came the antlers ! a small bull ! the hook was in the antlers and my brother broke his line . i wonder what a c.o. would have done , catching a moose out of season , or biggest bull head cought that year ?[Tongue] . john holds a state record deer there . i guess the un - official bull head too !

we were talking at work about stergon , another one of the guys remembers hearing about a giant one found dead at a washington lake a few years back , it made the papers , but i cant find anything more about it . i did see a picture of it on a wall of a trenton baitshop a few years ago during walleye season . over a thousand pounds . thats one big fish !
wow I hope some one had enough sence to pick it up for biologist for testing.

that fish had to be a hundred years old.

what wonders that fish would hold in side its geno.
thats for sure , i remember it's tummy was full of ducks ! , strange for a bottom feeder . makes me wonder what kind of beasts live in the great lakes . in the spring time around the down side of mud island you can watch some sort of fish "rolling" on the surface , 5 to 8 feet long . i figure whatever they are it must be spawning , muskey, stergon , or a carp-a-sorus !
them carp do that down her on comere lake, every bit 4-5 feet long, they jump right up out of the water 4-5 feet in the middle of the day during sertain moon stages. you would sware they were giant rainbows jumping at flys.

there are monsters in the deap for sure, I saw a aligator snapper turtle the size of a VW Bug hood one night at twighlite after he ate a stringer full of my fish. his head was the size of a socer ball.
five fish in 2 days .the first four were taken right off the bat , that last fisherman took his good old sweet time to enjoy the event . he's a smart guy, you don't get to do this kind of thing every year , savor the moment and the experiance .

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