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Nice Beginner Intro Tubing Video
Funny accent but fun to watch.

[url ""]Float tubing for trout and pike[/url]

[cool][#0000ff]Thanks, Z. Fun to watch. Looks like they like our Mares fins too. However, I always laugh when I see someone put the fins on first and then try to get inside a donut. That has led to a lot of disasters for newbie tubers.[/#0000ff]
Thanks that looked like a good day!
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks, Z. Fun to watch. Looks like they like our Mares fins too. However, I always laugh when I see someone put the fins on first and then try to get inside a donut. That has led to a lot of disasters for newbie tubers.[/#0000ff] [/reply]

Yeah, I thought the guy had good taste in fins, too. I especially thought it was cool when he reached in the back of his wading jacket and whipped them out. I was not expecting that.

As for the fins first order of suiting up, I had to learn it the hard (wet) way, why shouldn't he? But newbies ought to listen to the dude on this, for sure.


[cool]Can you tell I haven't been fishing?
Luck of the Irish there. That's the first float tube I've seen in the British Isles, especailly Ireland. I'm sure there are tubers over there, I was probably just with the wrong crowd. They're more "propper" over there (that's what they say and think anyway); nothing like this rabble we have here. They mostly fish for carp and thought I was crazy when I told them that we consider carp a "trash" or lower class fish. I'm just going to have to figure out how to get my tube over there next time I go. Who knows, a little influence and I might be able to convince them just how fun the tubes are then again, they'll probably just think I'm an "un-edumacated Yank".
They are the British and you just have to wonder where they get their ideas. It's okay, they think the samething about us.
When they showed the ducks flying over, I thought he was going to pull out a double barrel 12 gauge and blast them. That would be a classic video!
I watched that and knew u were gonna say something about it as you told me the right way and learned something from ya.
Zonker, I'm hoping my brother would ask me to his cottage next summer and I wanna try those pikes with the tube!
Welcome, Dave.

Glad you joined us. It is the very best way to fish.[cool]

[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard. Glad you like our little playroom.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I share your sentiments about tubing being the best way to fish. Once you get your Fat Cat, we will have something else in common. I have been using one for over three years now. With the exception of a few minor design things, I have truly enjoyed it. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I know you will greatly appreciate the differences (in the Fat Cat) after fishing from the Caddis. The amount of pocket space, the higher seating and overall higher ride will have you smiling.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]How about registering and staying for awhile. We are not prejudiced against Scots.[/#0000ff]
I can hardly refuse such an offer so I have registered under the name fluffflinger, which sort of describes what I like to do[Wink]
I have been looking at some of the pictures on here, particularly the setup for fishfinders and rod holders. I have just ordered a Cuda 168 from Basspro, before I saw the pictures of how to install it, so the timing is great.
I have attached a picture of my personal best rainbow, caught this year from my Nav II
In case your wondering, all of the bubbles are from a leaking valve in the float tube, just had time to land the fish before my right hand sponson whent sort of soggy[laugh]
Look forward to learning a lot more from you guys
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for registering. Great name and great looking fish.

Not so great to see all those bubbles though. At least you were close to shore. It can just ruin your day when you have to walk back in after your tube goes flat a half mile from shore.

Let us know if you need help in getting your sonar rigged up. I have quite a few other pictures and I can fill in any blanks in the instructions. I have probably rigged over 20 float tubes with sonar so I do have a bit of experience. Still don't know all there is to know, but I make fewer mistakes now.
Hey Flufflinger,

Love the name. That could easily be mine as well. I fling a lot of fluff. Nice fish in the pic, too.

That's a lot of bubbles coming from your tube. Hope it was repairable.

I fished from the same tube you have (Nav II) for a couple of years. When I upgraded to the Outcast tubes it was a real step up. You'll also notice an upgrade in quality. I guess the the things I like best are the v shape, which moves through the water more efficiently and the raised seating. Like Tubedude, I have a Super Fat Cat. It's a great boat.

Be sure to keep us posted on your progress. We all like to live vicariously through the others who have fishy things going on in their lives.

Hi flufflinger,
Welcome aboard. Keep those posts and pics coming from over there. I was down around Ipswich and Saxmundham mostly and I loved it when I was there. Next time I make it over, I'll have to head up your way. I could show some of them Suffolk farm lads how to have some real fun. 'Course they may want to throw me in the North Sea.
Welcome aboard fluffflinger. We are always glad to have new tubers from anywhere on the planet.

From the looks of your pics, I can see that you are capable and worthy of your water craft. Nice fish.

We are glad you decided to kick off your fins and stay for awhile.[cool]
My wife and I could not help but notice the huge hunter's Orange Blaze at the rear of those Brit float tubes. Makes us both wonder how good the British eye sight is that tubers have to warn pheasant/ duck hunters of their presence ... [Tongue]
Looking at how awkward that fellow is in his doughnut, I can't help but appreciate our V-tubes.... [cool]

Great video and fun fishing!

With regard to the orange blaze on the rear of the float tubes, mine came like that from the USA so nothing to do with UK hunters I am afraid. [Smile]
Got my Fat Cat for Christmas, and I have to agree with the poster on here who qasked about fitting the seat cushions [shocked]
Got them in eventually, but what a job !
The orange blaze on the back of the float tubes is only for them to comply with US Coast Guard Regulations.

Yes. Their rules are also governed in the freshwater too.

Some of the lakes that I tube in require at least 12 square inches of Orange to be visible. I have orange on my Caddis tubes but not on my FC4. In order for me to comply on my FC4, I simply installed one of those cheapo safety vests from Home Depot. It provides the visibility requirements and only adds about 3oz of weight to my craft.

I can easily compensate for the extra 3oz with my next emergency trip to the shore.[cool]
Welcome to the forum. As far as fly fishing versus anything else, I fly fished for years and years, and am not just getting back into fishing after a bit of a hiatus. However, this time I am focusing more on lure fishing, making my own lures--jigs, spinners, and spoons. I am using ultra light gear, and it is different from fly fishing, but still quite a skill indeed. There are a number of jig and lure fishermen on this board that make lures, pour their own jig heads, tie them up, etc. It is quite an art. Personally, I am not into bait fishing much, but hey, to each their own [Smile]
Again, welcome aboard!

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