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Anyone doing any fishing this weekend?
Anyone doing any fishing this weekend?<br><br>Before you leave today why not Smile,<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br>Mike

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
I'm heading out tomorrow to San Diego fishing on the Islander for 3 days for albacore. This is my first LR trip this year and, of course, I've gone and bought a bunch of new equipment and tackle to satisfy my habitual desires ... at least for a few weeks! Three friends are joining me; two of which I've met on the boards. My other friend has never been on a tuna run, so it's going to be interesting to say the very least. I gave him a tuna video to watch so he knows what to do. Looks like the albie counts are up a little which is GREAT news! I look forward to bringing home a few albies and some yellows, maybe even a dodo or two! Look for the pics after the 4th!<br><br>Jeff Jost
I am hoping to make it back down to San Diego for another day of great albacore and yellowtail fishing. As long as the weather holds up and the fish continue to bite, I will be down there. Probably on the Apollo or the New Lo-An. Hope to see you down there!!!<br><br>Milo
Our kids are off to summer camp today and my wife and I have time to ourselves for a will have to wait...<g><br><br>Jerry Vovcsko<br>East Bridgewater, Mass USA<br>Moderator, Massachusetts Forum
Sounds like a Great weekend for all…<br>[Wink]
Hey Big Jim, <br>Those N.Y. fluke are still mostly shorts on tis side of the island!I was off the round house in 70-25 feet for 5 hours and caught over 75 fish not one keeper! I tried your sluggos,rubber squid rigs,bullits and bucktails,had the same results with all and in all the depths.Staying inside today(reynolds channel)I'll let you know how we dd.<br>TIGHT LINES,TIM <br><br>

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