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The man is nuts but what about that RIGHT HOOK!!!!!!
Great to see Mike Tyson showing us why we subject ourselves to what was becoming more of a freak show and less of a fight!! I was committed to never watching another Tyson fight if he wasn't in top form and didn't show us he still had some fight left in him.

Tyson -vs- Lewis, I'll take Mike this time! As long as I don't have to sit through some hour and half pathetic rap concert like Saturday Night.

Is it just me our is rap the most no talent music ever produced????

TheAngler BFT Moderator
I always have liked Mike, since I can remember!!! The fight saturday night was "classic Tyson". It was good a confidence booster and hopefully reminded him of what it feels like to win. I'm not sure if he'll ever be the same guy as he was a few years back, but if he can kkep his head on straight and stay out of trouble, he can be champ again. I really think Don King is the reason for his outburst. As for Lewis, Mike really needs to be in top shape, mentally and physically. If he brings his "A" game, he can put a hurtin on Lewis.
hey mike you wouldnt like it around detroit on thursday nites, whe have some thing here called wwf "world wrestling federation"

it is on for two hours, one hour fifty minutes of drama and 10 actual minuts of wrestling. I swear it is enough to want to put the set out on the side of the road for the garbage man.

I herd tyson public release yesterday though I slept through most of it, I do recall him saying that he was not ready for the next match.

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