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Jen Carroll-Amistad Tournament Update
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]Hello Bigfishers![/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]I just got back from my WBT tournament on Lake Amistad and I wanted to update everyone! [/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]First let me say how much I appreciate all that my husband does when he travels with me! This was the first time I went to a tournament by myself and had to load/unload my boat, set up my gear, and drive straight through by myself. It was a ton of work and I really envied all of the girls that had their husbands with them! There were some husbands there that were nice enough to help me and I am so thankful for that! [/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]Well, the weather was crazy and I found that the majority of my attention was spent on running the trolling motor and making sure that the co-angler had a good position to fish from. I told my first day co "this is really going to be a co-angler's tournament because all you have to focus on is fishing!" Sure enough, on the first day the co-anglers had a higher weight on the board than the pros! [/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]I was able to weigh in a fish the first day and a good 5 lb. 8oz-er the second day which was awesome. I used a small hand poured plastic minnow bait from Fishbelly Lures and dipped the tail chartreuse. The one mistake I made was NOT getting a Mexican license and boat insurance. The girls that caught big bags fished Mexican waters where the temp was a bit higher than the Texas side. Next time I will make sure that I have the ability to fish every available area on the water. [/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]It was an awesome experience fishing Lake Amistad and I can't wait to go back. Since we were there a bit early in the season, I would really like to go back during the spawn!!![/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]Even though I didn't win this tournament, I did get to promote BFT on an FM radio station morning show, in the local businesses, on stage and I was pictured in the local paper. [/black][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Thank you for all of your support and encouragement! I'll have pictures to post later today so check back! [/size][/black][/font]
DUDE! It's still awesome though. You caught one hell of a bass, 5lb's 8 oz. Win the tourney or not, that's a nice fish.

I'm curious about something though. How do you get skunked into running the trolling motor? Is there no way to navigate the boat to your advantage? I mean, if you and the co-angler are a team, it doesn't really matter. But if you guys are competeing, well that changes the game a bit.

I ask you this, how accurate are you at using the trolling motor? I don't mean that in a bad way, but what if you were able to find a way to navigate the water to both anglers benefit. They also make an "auto pilot" for trolling motors now too. I'm not sure how they work, but I do know they exist.

I'm just blowing smoke as I don't know the rules and such, but maybe revamping your strategy could work into your advantage. You're there to fish a tournament, not be a cab driver. I want to see your name on top of the score boards! [cool]

Also, do you keep fishing logs? A fishing log can be such an important tool. I keep a detailed log that includes air temp, water temp, date, barometric pressure, general weather conditions(I.E. overcast, sunny, windy, calm), moon phase, what fish were caught and where, what I used to catch them, GPS numbers for each hole, and anything else that might help. I can look back how ever many years and find matching conditions. If I wasn't able to catch fish then, i'll know what I tried and what not to do. If I did catch fish, i'll know what to try first. It's an indespensible tool, especially for tournament anglers and charter captains.

Great job though Jen, we'll be looking for those pictures!
Hey T4M!

I do keep a fishing log and it has come in handy more times than I can mention! I recommend keeping a detailed log to every fisherman I meet as well.

Concerning the trolling motor, I do know how to run really well. The problem was this....I land a fish, then from the time I take the hook out and stick it in the live well (1 minute max) I am pushed as much as 250 yards off my origional mark by the wind and waves. I had to run the trolling motor non stop all day long on the first day of the tournament. My boat is lighter too which probably made a difference.

Concerning our tournament rules, as a boater, we are supposed to position the boat so that the co-angler has the ability to fish. The co-anglers compete against other co-anglers and not boaters. If I (or any other boater) do not keep the boat in a position where the co-angler has water to fish, than I could be slapped with an un-sportsmanlike conduct penalty. I started out as a co-angler, and have had a day where the pro did not give me very many opportunities to fish good water and it isn't very fun.

When you have to fight the wind and waves, it can be a bit tougher on you as far as fishing goes. I don't want to make excuses though, I had a great time and will do my best to make that cut next time!

Thank you for all of your questions and recommendations. I very much appreciate it!
[black][size 3]Hey Jen,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]No license ? No insurance ? Oh well. Next time ...[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]At least you caught a fish. Sounds like a good one too. Can't wait to see some of your photos from down there.[/size][/black]
Great job Jen, keep up the good work and keep us posted on your tourneys.

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